- User Name: demonsbain
- Member Since: Sunday, June 15, 2003, 11:53 PM
- Studio: Hydro/Demon productions
- Last Login: 2007-02-06 13:47:12
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: Ok this is my first time making a real profile that I want to actually mean anything so please bear with me.(that is to those of you who actually care to read these things) and by the way I am gratful that you actually know me or my work that you stopped here, or even if you accidentally stumbled onto this area because it has something you want. now without further adue and hoo haw lets get to my profile so I don't make a bigger fool of myself through my introduction.
First of I'm 23 years old and have always been a huge anime and manga fan. I spent three years in the military,(wich might explain my like of gratuitouse violence and strange humor) I would have been in longer but the powers that be in the highest (namely generals and captains that didn't even know me) thought it best I seek my fortune elswhere due to medical reasons. (at least thats what they said, I think it might have been that I pulled one prank to many...hmmm the world may never know) I've been makeing music videos and colaborating with others in making them for many years but for some reason my first works kept getting erased or lost forcing me to remake them 4 or 5 times. (Although I must admit they got better each time.) right now I am joyfully waiting the time when I can but some of my works up here. So until I have more to say and want to update this profile again, have a good day/night/evening/afternoon/morning.