- User Name: Khale
- Member Since: Wednesday, March 14, 2001, 11:07 PM
- Studio: Ravenloch Studios
- Last Login: 2006-09-24 23:46:06
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Journal: Last entry made on 2003-03-25 23:20:04
- Profile: I began to make videos about 2 years ago using a trial verson of Adobe premiere. Tim and I started out on an idea that with our love of anime and our overwhelming sense of "taste" we could do some good work, and so Ravenloch Studios was born. I personally enjoy vids to Cowboy Bebop, which is still my favorite anime out there, though I do love trying something new. My basic job at RS is to come up with vid outlines, I compose a rough sketch, Tim takes care of the rest, and we end up with what I feel are pretty good vids. -Neal
I'd always loved anime and when I first saw a video, I was amazed. I knew I wanted to learn how and have found it a wonderful experience. I love looking for new serieses to try, to listen to new songs, or thinking up ideas for outlines. -Timur