- User Name: [AV] ChOjIn 69
- Member Since: Wednesday, August 15, 2001, 3:47 PM
- Name: Kuppy Limson
- Studio: Omni Strata Studios
- Location: Chicago, Il., USA
- Last Login: 2018-07-29 04:52:10
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (85)
- Usefulness: 60.3 with
9 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231939 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: I'd thought I would put something here when I actually made a music vid. by my self...But since people (3) so far are trying to view my profile...what the hell...
[AV] Pilot Akito says:
"Before I forget, this vid was tag-teamed by me and my friend [AV] CHOJIN.
It was his idea for those cool fanservice shots... ^_^ (right CHOJIN??)"
No.....it wasn't. They were all your ideas...when i told you that some scenes would run into fan service shots (i.e. shot w/count down scene ends w/ a shot of a crowd of asses...not bad...but you seemed oddly excited about it...too excited) you ignored me...also calling you a perverted freak seems to only encourage you....i now understand why it takes you so damn long to find your footage....if i hadn't come over that day i'm sure you would have spent most of your time looking for cheesecake instead of seriously working on the music vid....hell when i was at your house you still spent a good portion of the time looking for cheesecake......(cheescake means fanservice btw). Not that i'm complianing its just that you could probably shave some time off if you stopped looking for panty/various cheesecake shots....
(sigh) i need a bettter computer...some how i seriously doubt adobe premire will run on a pII 166mhz w/ 80mgs of ram....that or get more access to the 700 mhz k7......until then i don't think i'll making music vids by my self....i might lend a hand to [AV] Akito if he asks for help...