- User Name: hulk
- Member Since: Wednesday, June 25, 2003, 10:44 AM
- Name: Mssj.Vegeta
- Studio: Ronin Artist Design Studio
- Homepage: roninartist.awardspace.com
- Last Login: 2008-08-17 22:47:18
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (7)
- Usefulness: 16 with
1 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231939 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hey guys, this is where my music videos will be held but i mut say i should give the webmaster of this site the credit he deserves for letting me use the site the upload my videos. I started making videos about 2 yrs ago and still getting better. I learnt to make videos by viewing othe great m.v makers and observing what effects and transitions they used to make the video cool. Some of the m.v makers i learnt from are Neo gohan, ssj2 gohan, sssgohan,sssgoku,akuma productions,Aluminum Studios,007vegita and more. Any I'm starting to brainstorm my own ideas and effects to my videos chech the out and see how good I am.