- User Name: Gydin
- Member Since: Saturday, February 2, 2008, 1:31 AM
- Name: Bob Bobby
- Studio: Addicting Pillows
- Location: CA, United States
- Last Login: 2021-03-11 23:00:07
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Usefulness: 82.5 with
6 opinions
[average 119.3 of 231941 opinions; standard deviation 432 ] - Profile: Hello everyone, this is Gydin.
Finally done with our first video. (Mine and Kinchan12's ^_6) It took a lot longer then I thought it would take. (But then again, it is our first video) But enough about that, on to my next project! If all goes well I'll be able to finish my next vid around mid/late August. (I know; long from now, but thats because I won't be able to start it around mid June or so)
Things about me:
AMV Dreams:
I have three. (so far!) 1. I'd like to be able to help make a Muti-Editer Project. (My favorite ones being reflections of style, but really any will do.) 2. Have one of my AMVs make it on the top 10% list. 3. Have one of my videos win a Viewers Choice Award.
AMV Dreads:
I have three. (so far!) 1. Not making a dead line. (Espically the ones I make for my self. ^_6) 2. Upload a video, have many people download it only to find that I still need to fix like 12 things... (Things that I only notice AFTER uploading.) 3. People claiming that my videos are their owns. (I REALLY hate this. ^_6)
Likes (other then making AMVs.):
Airsoft, paintball, rock climbing, hiking, archery, throwing knives, welding, and my whole familly! ^_6 (now, wheather I'm good at any of these is another story...)