- User Name: The-Original-Jman
- Member Since: Wednesday, August 6, 2008, 10:30 PM
- Location: U.S.
- Last Login: 2012-02-13 22:34:00
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (1)
- Profile: Hey! I'm The-Original-Jman! I'm just one of your fellow AMV makers.
Anyway, about me. I am both a game master and an anime junkie! I have been making AMVs since August of 2008. I started out with making AMVs with Windows Movie Maker, and then was finally able to switch to Adobe Premiere Pro CS4.
You can find most of my AMVs on my Youtube account. My user name on Youtube is Knuxter. Just type it in search and you'll find me.
I also have a Deviant Art account, so if you have questions, please contact me there. My user name there is the same as here.
Okay, well I think that's all for now. Please enjoy my AMVs!