- User Name: BlindMedia
- Member Since: Thursday, February 5, 2009, 3:55 PM
- Name: Noxomra
- Homepage: http://www.anica-starbell.deviantart.com
- Last Login: 2009-06-07 21:14:36
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (5)
- Profile: Hello everyone, my name is Noxomra but you can call me Nox.
I own a -ton- of different anime and music, because I like to shop around and there's a lot I like. But sometimes, I don't have what I need to make an AMV. When that happens, I borrow from friends, and in return they borrow from me. That's why I can get almost anything I want/need to make the AMV's that I put up here.
For example, I have the first season of Bleach on DVD (gift from mom for x-mas), but I own no more of that series. My friend, on the other hand, has the entire anime (what's out at least) straight from Japan, so when I need stuff from Bleach that isn't in the first 20 episodes or so, I ask her if I can borrow her DVD's.
That being said, I do not care much for negative opinions about my vids. I don't make them for competitions, and I have Windows Movie Maker so the quality can sometimes get butchered.
I make these AMV's for my friends, as gifts and requests because they themselves to not have the resources/time to make them, so almost all of my videos will be dedicated to someone. If they're not, the I probably made it on my own time with some spare boredom and an idea that sparked for no reason.
So please, if you're going to comment say something positive or just don't say anything. It takes you more effort to tell me it sucks than to simply ignore it, so don't waste your time and mine by saying rude things.
Thanks and have a wonderful day.