- User Name: Coldfusion45
- Member Since: Friday, July 18, 2003, 7:37 AM
- Name: Randy Caymo
- Studio: RE:Production Studios
- Location: San Diego, CA, USA
- Last Login: 2013-10-05 02:11:44
- Forum Info: Profile Posts (0)
- Profile: Hey every-1... For a long time i've been in the shadows watching and only being an observer on this site. Seeing the many talented creators becoming increasingly harder to top (well not top but come up w/stuff thats just mind blowing :O. Time and time again i've tried to start a project because of your inspiration, that I always lose my drive towards the end. I have so many projects that need finishing (I'm sure many of you have this type of thing happening), but school is keeeeling me! NO TIME NO TIME! Then again school is endowing me w/the knowledge to make an incredible vid (I'm going to school for digital video and 3D animation^^;)... /sigh when the time comes, be prepared to reap the whirlwind :p.