What is the best WORST video that you've seen?

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TekkaRepliroid Zero
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Post by TekkaRepliroid Zero » Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:42 pm

VegetaMight wrote:I despise any video that just slaps in 20-60sec long clips, unedited, onto music.

Aha! I have something to contribute from my own little library into this thread.
Not my first video, but second video, did I do this, and not only one clip of about that length unedited, but TWO or them.
However, this wasn't actually random. This was a video that made it itself. Fluke? Debatably, I did aim for continuity in the video and some decent sync as well. I will stand by and say that it worked, and call it a successful "experiment". Fact remains though that there isn't much editing. I made that in 3-4 hours or so of actual editing, including capture (but I was working on it a lot in planning prior to hitting the editing machine... since the machine wasn't mine ¬¬... I'm glad I have my own box now.)
<i>TekkaRepliroid Zero</i>
I'll Never be the One that she Needs (first DL-able vid, ops appreciated)
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TekkaRepliroid Zero
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Post by TekkaRepliroid Zero » Sun Jan 11, 2004 7:43 pm

Er... link to vid, but it isn't downloadable.
http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=29852
<i>TekkaRepliroid Zero</i>
I'll Never be the One that she Needs (first DL-able vid, ops appreciated)
"OOW, Why does it huuuuuuurt?!" - Zim
"Ooonly if you dance with meeeee" - GIR

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Post by Rozard » Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:13 am

Corran Productions wrote:
trythil wrote:
AbsoluteDestiny wrote:
trythil wrote:Photoshop just sucks
It made me take off my top >.>
I am a male editor, not a male prostitute...

actually wait, maybe I am :shock:
Rozard is going to love this thread : )
Image I do, I do!

I'm not shamelessly plugging for you anymore!
Well, I guess I just got my first taste of the filthy side of this hobby! :evil: :P
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Post by BogoSort » Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:49 am

DoddyUK wrote:http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=28391

Just TERRIBLE! There's an ad for this guy's site IN THE MIDDLE of the vid, he couldn't be bothered to complete the song, and the use of effects is just plain tacky.
If you thought that was pain, check out http://tricky.desu.org The guy put in a stupid watermark to ensure that no one would ripoff his footage, and yet he uses HK bootlets and fansub footage in his video. And the effects in there were so gaudy that I wanted to claw my eyes out. Why haven't we made star wipes illegal yet?

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Post by fyrtenheimer » Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:54 am

because they rock

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Post by DSEH » Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:48 pm

http://www.animemusicvideos.org/members ... hp?v=24999

Yea... that's mine.
it has subs up and down the ying-yang, not to mention the quality, plus a big blank spot in one part. :?

Arcane Azmadi
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Post by Arcane Azmadi » Tue Jan 13, 2004 9:29 pm

Our first video was a quick (relatively- month and a half due to difficulties getting together) Vandread AMV set to Staring at the Sun. Although we did pretty good on the fundamentals, the footage quality was terrible (it was fansubs, and not great ones either), the timing wasn't very professional, there were a lot of shots which were rather pointless and uninspired. Plus, Farinx insisted on jamming 30 seconds of pretentious credits onto the end in a lame attempt to be funny (to my shame, I was so caught up in the euphoria over finishing that I did nothing really to stop him). In any case, we actually ended up redoing before it even saw release- the updated version is right there in my sig. It's heaps better, but I think it still needs a few tweaks (like turning of the friggin' Premiere auto-deinterlacer!) Depressingly, Farinx still swears by the original, even though anyone with half a brain could see the massive difference in quality- footage quality at least, as well as sharper timing.

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Post by Seijin_Dinger » Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:18 am

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Post by Nestorath69 » Wed Jan 14, 2004 2:37 pm

Hey, i may inordinately stupid, but that 'Photoshop vid' was groovin. It wasn't my kind of music or vid style, but the synching and the freakin' other stuff in there was gnarly. I give it a 4.
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Post by crashcoursekid » Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:19 pm

Rozard wrote:Image I do, I do!

I'm not shamelessly plugging for you anymore!
Well, I guess I just got my first taste of the filthy side of this hobby! :evil: :P
loll brian ur craaazy !! that vids just wrong . as for the worst vid , how about teh one im making lol


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