It's been over an year since my last post and I'm still looking for that video I saw on Youtube back in the days. Last thread I created was locked and it can be found here: ... p?t=105559
Unfortunatly it wasn't Manilla (last suggestion I recieved) and I figured that bumping my request after an year may be a good idea. I still can't wait to hear that beat again

For those who ain't feel like reading last thread I'll copy the main issue.
This video is from the year 200X probably 2006-2007, it's electro/house music and it's animated. In this video a couple, man and woman fly on the plane, then they jump. Most of this video they fly in the sky, at the end when they start to cuddle they hit the ground and big explosion ends it. I remember something like a clock spinning extremly fast during this vid, and i remember it was PROBABLY only red, white and black colored (something like Queens of the Stone Age - Go with the flow).
Thanks for any advices you could give me.
And yes, I tried googling it like a thousand times, I'm not lazy and not stupid, just forgot anything else about that video and what I do remember is also fading away as the time maybe one of you knows what Im walking about
