Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no. 2

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Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no. 2

Post by radosss » Tue Oct 16, 2012 6:54 am

Hi all,

It's been over an year since my last post and I'm still looking for that video I saw on Youtube back in the days. Last thread I created was locked and it can be found here: ... p?t=105559
Unfortunatly it wasn't Manilla (last suggestion I recieved) and I figured that bumping my request after an year may be a good idea. I still can't wait to hear that beat again :)
For those who ain't feel like reading last thread I'll copy the main issue.

This video is from the year 200X probably 2006-2007, it's electro/house music and it's animated. In this video a couple, man and woman fly on the plane, then they jump. Most of this video they fly in the sky, at the end when they start to cuddle they hit the ground and big explosion ends it. I remember something like a clock spinning extremly fast during this vid, and i remember it was PROBABLY only red, white and black colored (something like Queens of the Stone Age - Go with the flow).

Thanks for any advices you could give me.
And yes, I tried googling it like a thousand times, I'm not lazy and not stupid, just forgot anything else about that video and what I do remember is also fading away as the time maybe one of you knows what Im walking about :)


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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by Kionon » Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:20 am

You are absolutely certain it was uploaded here and was made by an Org member?
That YouTube Thing.

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by radosss » Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:29 am

I'm almost absolutly certain it WASN'T made by an Org member (at least I do not recall any information about it). I just figured that "you people" (as you, the community, interested in animated music videos) may be aware of an existence of such video somewhere on Youtube...
I'm sorry if this isn't the right section or those kind of requests are not welcome here, but I tried everywhere (including 4chan's /b/) and this only shows how determined I am to finally find it.

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by Kionon » Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:46 am

A clarification, while we have editors who edit with other animation footage (video games, Ponies, Avatar), the purpose of this community is to catalogue and discuss ANIME music videos, as in Japanese animation made (originally) for Japanese domestic audiences. If the animation source of this particular video was not Japanese animation, or not animation meant for a Japanese audience (even if it was animated at a Japanese firm/studio), then we may not have even heard of it, let alone know it from the limited description you can remember.

If it is an actual AMV, well, AMV requests are normal, however, unless the video is very old (2002 or older) or very new *and* very famous, the likelihood of finding it if it is not made by an Org member and catalogued at the Org is very, very small. The community on the Org and even in the entirety of the North American con scene hasn't been small enough to cover all AMVs in a number of years, and that's not addressing the hobby as a whole. There are still ftps, fservs, livejournals (AbsoluteDestiny's comes to mind), and a number of country specific international sites. And many YouTube videos, probably tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands at this point, are never known to the members of the Org at all. It's just not possible.

Then there's people like me. I rarely use YouTube at all, even to watch videos. If someone directly links me, that's one thing. If I am searching for some sort of technology review or repair demonstration, perhaps. Compared to most people I know, however, my YouTube use is very limited. I'm hardly the only one in this position.

This is all a very complicated and detailed way of saying that we probably can't help you. Not that we won't, not that we don't want to, but that we actually can not. It isn't possible.
That YouTube Thing.

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by Animated » Tue Oct 16, 2012 7:59 am

radosss wrote:Animated music video
No, I'm sure it wasn't mine.

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by radosss » Tue Oct 16, 2012 8:13 am

Kionon wrote:This is all a very complicated and detailed way of saying that we probably can't help you. Not that we won't, not that we don't want to, but that we actually can not. It isn't possible.
I understand, I just figured that if this video that I mentioned had somewhere between 20-100k views on Youtube back in 200X it may be possible for any of you to recall it somehow. I realize chances are extremly low, but I don't have anything to lose right? And maybe, just maybe someone will know the name of that song. Thanks for explanation tho, I remember that this video was Anime style, but if I'm mistaken that may be wrong forum to post after all. Anyway thanks again.
Animated wrote:
radosss wrote:Animated music video
No, I'm sure it wasn't mine.
What are the odds your nick would be Animated on AMV forum?

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by Rider4Z » Tue Oct 16, 2012 9:22 am

there's no harm in asking. but i don't recall ever seeing the video either :( sorry

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by Zarxrax » Tue Oct 16, 2012 12:09 pm

Can you remember any further details or give a better description?

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Re: Animated music video with a plane from 2005-6 attempt no

Post by radosss » Wed Oct 17, 2012 7:26 am

Zarxrax wrote:Can you remember any further details or give a better description?
As the time passes I lose more and more of the image in m head how the video looked like. I can't even recall any beat or a word from this song. I'm not even 100% sure anymore that the descritpion I gave is accurate...


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