The Shoujo-Ai Goddess' Beauty Show #1 (2.27 MB)
Don't worry, I haven't entered this in my profile as one of my AMVs, cause I know it's not enough of an AMV. I didn't even work long on it. I know it's not much, but anyways, enjoy! ^_^
Thank you! ^_^TekkaRepliroid Zero wrote:That was so cute ^^.
TekkaRepliroid Zero wrote:Hehe, ironically you find some of the more stunning artwork from hentai.
Thank you. ^_^ I probably won't do something like this anytime soon again though. My first real, big, and complex project will be a huge heart-warming everything Shoujo-Ai vid! ^_^TekkaRepliroid Zero wrote:Excellent taste in both audio and visual ^~. I look forward to when you try to do a more complex editing job =D
And women and ladies and Goddesses..... yep! (read the interests in my profile!) ^_^SSJVegita0609 wrote:....You like girls.
You haven't been to my forum that often.... have you?NME wrote:I was angered by the lack of bare boobies.