And here comes the first volley by Niotex. Was wondering what you would find exception with. {edit} This was meant playfully not as hostile. I have a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor. {end edit}Niotex wrote:AMTV-Pro fixed this year?
I don't really see why you didn't just call "Fun" other. As it's just everything that doesn't fit into the already designated categories. Not strictly "fun videos" as the name of the category seems to imply. Thus the name and description of the category are contradicting each other.
It would be nice to know what the reasoning is behind not letting "fun" video's contend for best of show.
I'll more then likely be attending, but if I'll submit anything depends on certain aspects of the contest being fixed or not. The whole "AMTV-Pro judges are looking for Nostromo type videos when judging" thing kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Not my words by the way, one of the attending [anon] judges told me that him/herself.
Its called Fun because "other" sounded too generic.
The reason for Fun not being eligible for the Best of Show prize is explained quite clearly in the rules. Section 12 sums it up pretty succinctly.
Regarding your boycotting the AMTV-Pro category because one judge told you they were "looking for Nostromo type videos"... I am pretty sure who you are referring to and that is one person's opinion. I have also mentioned Nostromo as an example because Nostromo's pieces are clear examples of editing and polish that goes above and beyond. Nostromo's pieces are listed as an example not the standard. "Attack of The Otaku" is another excellent example. "Dance Dance Celebration" still another excellent example. If you have a thing against Nostromo and or that style of video editing that is on you. I am sorry that the comments of ONE of our judges "left a bad taste in [your] mouth". That was one judge out of more than 10. We have selected judges from a diverse range of tastes and skill levels in an effort to be as balanced as we can.
I am sorry that the rules as they stand, do not meet your satisfaction. If the rules bother you enough that you don't want to enter, then please don't. It is your choice