I'd rather we not get sued by Food Network, so we won't be using a name containing both "Iron" and "Chef". A simple solution was to simply use the name Iron Editor since it's already out there and familiar to some people, buuuuut...Rider4Z wrote:say WHAT?DigitalPanther wrote:Yes, there will be a return of that contest though it will be under a new name (apparently another con actually copyrighted it). Troy and company will be running it again it is separate from the main AMV contest but of course we will help as we can with it.
-DPhow can you copyright a play on official television? i thought several cons have "amv iron chef"
I met VicBond007 briefly at Otakon during his own Iron Editor event. The reception was rather lukewarm (though in fairness he was rather busy setting up things), and he rather curtly informed me that he trademarked the name "Iron Editor" and did not want anyone else, including me, to use it. He explained that he hosts the show at multiple conventions and wanted to protect it as his brand or some such. I was surprised, to say the least.
Not an issue though. He has no hold over the format, and there's other names that work just fine if not better. I was settled keeping it simple with something like "AMV Chef", but a couple other names were proposed that we're considering.
Names aside, Brad, Nic, and I are in the process of hammering out details for this year's event (equipment, format changes, footage, etc.) and I'll create a separate thread when there's more info to discuss.