DigitalPanther wrote:well in order to head off Judge burnout after last years 47 Drama videos back to back...I decided to break it into two viewing sessions and split drama evenly between them (there were 67 Drama entries). To help break things up a bit we would watch a few drama then a couple from another category. On the second viewing session the Judges elected to bite the bullet and sit through all the remaining drama vids back to back then finish up with the remaining other categories.
That was a smart idea to try to break the drama videos into sections. As much as I enjoy AMVs (and Drama has always been my favorite category) 67 videos back to back, especially with sad elements to them would be pretty hard to take!
DigitalPanther wrote:I think in total there are approximately 14 hours of view time after subtracting the controller failure on the external drive (just pulled the drive out of the enclosure it came in and put it in a new external which works much better. )(Moral of that story: Despite the price to size break. Don't buy the Seagate 1.5 TB externals from Costco. Though now that the actual drive is in a separate enclosure it is chuggin away happily.)
Oh really? Ouch. I think I remember reading somewhere that Seagate external hard drives aren't very reliable, but at least it's working now. Sorry to hear that.
DigitalPanther wrote:I have to admit I was a bit surprised at one to two that did make it vs a few that didn't. But I verified the numbers and they are accurate.
I am also impressed by the range (in style) of the finalists that made it which makes me glad to have picked a diverse group of judges with varied tastes.-DP
That's true that no video is a sure thing. I know some very talented people who have sent their very best to a conventions and missed the cut. Everyone has their own opinions on what's great and I think that it's spectacular to hear that there will be many varying editing styles in the AX contest this year.
Anyway, 14 hours of viewing is a lot! Judges, make sure to pat yourselves on the back for getting it all done.