Anyone ever hear of Generator Gaul?

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Anyone ever hear of Generator Gaul?

Post by ukogss0715 » Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:02 pm

Someone mentioned this anime to me and said it was good. Anyone hear of it of it?
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Post by Propyro » Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:22 pm

nope, but i've heard of gaul ... thats france during the roman empires reign ... i think, it 's also sour wine thats not quite vinigar yet ...

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Post by EarthCurrent » Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:39 pm

General de Gaul?

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Post by OmniStrata » Tue Apr 08, 2003 9:42 pm

I have the whole series... [back when i didn't have a dvd player]

It's good stuff. And it's by ADV so getting either dub or sub will do...

But nothin' beats DVDS...

and yes, the dub rox0rs me....

Want info? [tiny spoilers]

Gaul and his buddies come from the future to rewrite their history due to an upcoming catastrophy... That's as general as I can get without ruining any more...

There's some badass transformation sequences and some nice lookin' babes. Women might get a kick out of the bishounen main characters too...

Yes, I can recommend this anime...

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Post by KLin » Wed Apr 09, 2003 1:13 am

The correct way to spell is Generator GAWL.

It's kind of Guyverish what with the main characters able to mutate and stuff. It's very comedic at times since the main characters are high school students and there's a love/hate relationship between the loudmouth girl and the Gawl.. (Guyver's characters were high school students too, but they didn't do much silly stuff.) The story is pretty different, but ultimately it's the Generators versus an evil organization that creates ugly monsters. There's an unexpected plot twist near the end and it's animated pretty well. But it's a little short and the fights are somewhat predictable.

It's good, but there's better in this sort of mutant-centric Anime. SoulTaker is longer and has a darker and more engrossing story.

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Post by Hakura » Wed Apr 09, 2003 1:25 pm

I have this anime and it's not bad actually and I enjoyed the dub more then the sub, I found it was more funny ^^

Check it out if it interests you it's not bad :wink:

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Post by xasavier » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:10 pm

why is it when ever animes have a english dubb most of the time the dubbing is crap e.g. detonator orgun & the first vhs version of akira.
alas. if anyone whats to see a cool anime watch vampire hunter d bloodlust. Superb dubbing!!!!! 8)

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Post by Garylisk » Thu Apr 10, 2003 9:19 pm

I saw the first 2 eps of Gawl at a friend's house.. it seems pretty damn cool. This was a long time ago... he had pre-ordered the DVD box set on amazon a while back and forgotten he had pre-ordered it.. so just one day out of the blue, the box set came to his door and he was like "Oh... Thanks... I think." :P

I wish I had that much money :P
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Post by leathelanime » Sun Apr 13, 2003 2:05 am

yep I have had this series for like a long time before they even release the cute box set and let me tell you...this is one of the best animes ever dubed....the VA's done a creat job

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Post by Pwolf » Sun Apr 13, 2003 9:11 am

I've seen it and love it. It's funny and has some good action.



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