BishounenStalker wrote:Oh God I know what you mean. But you know how it is. Hormonal immature fangirls automatically equate trying to kill each other with trying to jump each other. As for G Gundam, the fan rape on THAT one is starting to genuinely frighten me.
It's already officially frightened me (earlier found a story hinting at Domon/Schwarz, aka I-can't-believe-it's-not-incest)
For the record, it's thanks to G Gundam's fan rape that I fear for Gundam X's US prospects (especially concerning Witz, Roybea, and the Frost Bros)
I know. I actually got fed up enough to chew some 13-year-old bitch out at the anime club for equating dislike of yaoi with homophobia. Received a standing ovation from every guy in the vicinity, too.
13?!? Damn, they're getting younger (that chew-out must have been great though)
As for the idiots who go along with the yaoi-ism and have never seen a frelling episode of Wing, I love standing them up with in-show facts that fanon tends to either ignore or twist for story's sake, then watch them deny it like they know everything. Then get told off by a GUY who knows what I'm talking about because like me he's seen every episode plus EW. The funniest encounter I had like that was some 15-year-old twerp trying to convince me that GW had 65 episodes, and that Treize and Zechs kissed in the last one. Being a rabid Treize fan, I chewed her out something awful and told her to come back when she'd actually watched a freaking episode (and received yet another standing ovation).
(Side note: Heh heh...gotta love Farscape)
65 eps?! That's a new one...damn, they'll try anything
(Again, that must have been great to witness)
This is ever so true. It's mostly because of the voluminous slash fic in that cesspool that ALL adult fic got burned in the Great Inquisition. Including one I had written for
Final Fantasy 7 (a 13-chapter monster that I'm still working on. If you're interested, I have it hosted at its own website. Screw
Thy Kingdom Come). And it was only for two measily scenes! Yet another reason to add to my list for despising slash. As much as they like to deny it, it IS because of them that sucks so badly now. Not to say it didn't suck before, but now it's just ten times worse.
Hmm...I'll have to look into that one in the future (can't just yet because...honestly, I've yet to play FFVII...there, I said it!)
It's not just in Wing, I hate to tell you. The Harry Potter section's infested with it, too, among others (and don't even bother with LotR. That's worse than Wing for fan rape factor). What pisses me off is that a lot of the authors ARE proud of the OOC crap they write. And I think it's one reason our country's going to Hell in a bullet train. We not only tolerate mediocrity and stuff that doesn't even have a level of horridness, people are actually PROUD of it. What's worse is when said authors can't take constructive criticism. They don't understand the difference between pointing out mistakes in a fic, and a personal attack.
Yeah, I heard about HP (on an up note, apparently Rowling's lawyers are starting to crack down on that:
LOTR...God, I won't even go in there...not since the day I stumbled in to find them writing Legolas rape fiction (maybe it's just me, but as a rule, I generally find rape fiction to be in pretty poor taste)
Oh man...I've seen the authors who take criticism as a personal flamed by so many of them who thought I was flaming them (including one guy who tried to use one of my own stories against me without even realizing the story was a parody)
I gotta agree with the part about it being a key reason we're going down the crapper. At the very least, it gives the impression that, in this day and age, romance really IS dead.
Here endeth another rambling session...