Fortunately, hironobu-san has come a ways in the last 2 decades. DBZ is just some of his early work and he's improved quite a bit over the years and his Engrish isn't quite as silly as it used to be. I much prefer his newer stuff such as "SOUL TAKER" from The SoulTaker with JAM Project, "Zone of the Enders" from Z.O.E. Dolores, i since LAZY got back together in 1998, and of course the more recent Super Robot War games like "GO!!" from Super Robot Wars Impact that is also done with JAM Project. He is known for making really funny faces while he's singing because he really gets into the songs he's singing but I guess it doesn't matter as long as he sounds good.dwchang wrote:Silly. Yes. Catchy. No. I find all the DBZ intro songs quite horrible actually. Although the line "Ipai Opai" is funny .

I liked Truth a lot actually, it was the 5th season opening for Detective Conan. I even made an ADP of Truth AMV because I liked it so much.dwchang wrote:Interesting note that my friend and I realized a few years ago. Is it just me or does every Two-Mix song that ends in "ion" good and the others..mediocre.
However, songs like Burning Desire, Winter Planet, Truth, etc. are not as good (still good mindyou). Interesting ne? (not really...we were just stupid college kids ).

My favorite TWO-MIX song is actually probably Living Daylights. Which is not an -ION song.

Luna Sea was also my favorite J-Rock band. I was in love with Ryuichi for a few years. My favorite Luna Sea song was RAIN. But yeah most darker and heavier J-Rock songs don't get used in Anime. Both Siam Shade and L'Arc tend to do more light-hearted songs. X Japan's Forever Love is an exception to this because X The Movies' ending was messed up.