Thomas JPtakk wrote:I don't want a new series, I want them to finishing dubbing all the U.C. ones! We still got ZZ, Victory, MS Igloo, and the New Translation films! C'mon! And if you're gonna make a new series, take us back to the U.C.! There is plenty of time gaps in the timeline.
Blah, regardles, I'll see this and own it, just like very other Gundam series.
1. A New Translation has been licensed for a US release (...when, unfortunately, remains in the air, which brings us to point 2.)
2. BandaiEntertainment, if they had their say in things, would have dropped UC years ago like a mutated infant. Seriously. They've been seeing that universe as a burden since the (poorly marketed) failure of the original series.
It even shows in the Zeta release, which was a communications nightmare, as Bandai deliberately withheld several announcements from the fanbase (such as the changed openings, which they remained mum on until people finally started getting their copies and asking what the Hell happened...and the rereleased sets (two-fold here...first, the fact Bandai was swearing up and down that Zeta would only be released once in the thinpak boxsets, before pulling out the 2-disc sets...then for the fact said sets had cleaned up subtitles...something Bandai still hasn't come clean on officially yet, in spite of several people confirming it.)
3. While I'm raking the companies over the coals, if we get any more UC, odds are better than average it's gonna be yet another OYW story. Yeah, there's other parts of the timeline they can play with...some of which DO have interest (there's been some off and on fan demand for a series based on the manga Crossbone Gundam for a while, but, due to the fact F-91 wasn't exactly a smashing success, that prob. won't happen.)
For now, it's prob. best to give UC a rest. At this point it's really only being used as fanservice for the Zeon/OYW fanboys rather than actually exploring new ground.
As to 00...I think it's still too soon to tell. The character designs look a bit cliched, yes, but the Gundams themselves are a considerable improvement over the copy-pasta designs of SEED (to this end, the cones on their backs...response to the criticism about SEED's Gundams being all backpack?)
Story...still far too soon to say where they'll head with that...I'm voting 'Wait and see'