haruhi has cancer 2 for 2!!

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Post by Niotex » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:15 pm

I hear you man wmv > h264 fawk yeah!

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Post by Revbudadude » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:16 pm

Niotex wrote:I hear you man wmv > h264 fawk yeah!

now ur brain is startin to finally work :idea:

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Post by Falconone » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:46 pm

Revbudadude wrote:
Niotex wrote:I hear you man wmv > h264 fawk yeah!

now ur brain is startin to finally work :idea:

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Post by Hae » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:49 pm

they're okay. not great..not good. bad quality and repeating those scenes over and over was painful to watch ni all honesty..
and all those pictures in the second one was a tad boring..

omg kickass133....

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Post by Warheart » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:55 pm

[19:43] <orwell> welcome to major fail
[19:43] <orwell> WMV's good for letting you know to avoid

Yep, this is one of the worst things I've ever seen, just admitt that you suck and then try to get better, it's more effective than defending your false pride.

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Post by -Reda- » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:55 pm

Hmm....I really feel the urge to quote someone very famous (not sure who yet) with a devastating line that will render your video absolutely in shambles. Couldn't think of any. However I know one from Futurama thats quite fitting.

"My god that was so terrible I think you gave me cancer."

Both of these videos made no sense on any kind of scale. Haruhi is a female, in case you haven't noticed; the boobs are a HUGE giveaway. So immediately you get 1 star and a punch in the face, because if the concept doesn't make some kind of sense, neither will the rest of your video since you've got nothing to go on. Make sure you have a nice solid thoughtful concept before you even begin working on a video in the first place.

The first video.......oh god what were you thinking?.........................you were thinking right? Or at least trying to? This doesn't seem like something that could possibly sprout from a sound mind. It seems like something that might happen if you walk away from your computer for a little while and your 2 year old cousin walks over and just starts wailing away on the keyboard for about ten minutes. Then you hit save and bam, your first masterpiece. Annnnnd thats my theory on how Revbudadude, Kickass, and Ramonesfan make videos. You heard it here first folks!

Next we need to talk about something because this is something I feel needs to be addressed, and this IS still relevant to your videos. How you go on after you post your videos in the forums is ridiculous. People ARENT complimenting you, and you have to realize that you're not a fantastic editor. No one is, we're all (relatively) humble here with a few exceptions, and we're all always searching for improvement here, even some of the better creators like Beowolf and like freakin Koop and all that jazz. Beo was STILL talking about improving in his cuts after who knows how long of editing and countless stunning vids. The point is, you can never be PERFECT at this. Theres always room to grow and improve which is what people are trying to help you with here. Thats why we all leave comments and suggestions and tips. Its our way of trying to help you along in what I consider to be a (again, relatively) supportive community.

If you don't understand that then I don't hate you, I pity you.

1/5 for both "videos"

-Good Day Sir.

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Post by Rapture** » Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:57 pm

Revbudadude wrote:
Niotex wrote:I hear you man wmv > h264 fawk yeah!

now ur brain is startin to finally work :idea:
Let us start global revolution!

:D I like laughter ;DD

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Post by Revbudadude » Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:09 pm

N0OB wrote:Hmm....I really feel the urge to quote someone very famous (not sure who yet) with a devastating line that will render your video absolutely in shambles. Couldn't think of any. However I know one from Futurama thats quite fitting.

"My god that was so terrible I think you gave me cancer."

Both of these videos made no sense on any kind of scale. Haruhi is a female, in case you haven't noticed; the boobs are a HUGE giveaway. So immediately you get 1 star and a punch in the face, because if the concept doesn't make some kind of sense, neither will the rest of your video since you've got nothing to go on. Make sure you have a nice solid thoughtful concept before you even begin working on a video in the first place.

The first video.......oh god what were you thinking?.........................you were thinking right? Or at least trying to? This doesn't seem like something that could possibly sprout from a sound mind. It seems like something that might happen if you walk away from your computer for a little while and your 2 year old cousin walks over and just starts wailing away on the keyboard for about ten minutes. Then you hit save and bam, your first masterpiece. Annnnnd thats my theory on how Revbudadude, Kickass, and Ramonesfan make videos. You heard it here first folks!

Next we need to talk about something because this is something I feel needs to be addressed, and this IS still relevant to your videos. How you go on after you post your videos in the forums is ridiculous. People ARENT complimenting you, and you have to realize that you're not a fantastic editor. No one is, we're all (relatively) humble here with a few exceptions, and we're all always searching for improvement here, even some of the better creators like Beowolf and like freakin Koop and all that jazz. Beo was STILL talking about improving in his cuts after who knows how long of editing and countless stunning vids. The point is, you can never be PERFECT at this. Theres always room to grow and improve which is what people are trying to help you with here. Thats why we all leave comments and suggestions and tips. Its our way of trying to help you along in what I consider to be a (again, relatively) supportive community.

If you don't understand that then I don't hate you, I pity you.

1/5 for both "videos"

-Good Day Sir.

of course haruhi isn't male. its just a drawing, it's just an IT. i dont kow whos crazier, one who maekes vids to show it or one who actually thinks cartoons are living people with actual genders. and second, thax i think i got a new fan :D

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Post by Bebop0083 » Sun Jul 08, 2007 2:48 pm

Ok the first video, the Manzo thing in the beginning was pretty funny. I wish you mixed it up though with the Burst Angel footage instead of just focusing on the show its self for the second half.

As for the Haruhi vid some points were amusing like the moving arrows. The only part I really liked the most was the end. It has the best ending for a Haruhi vid ever.

These weren't your best vids I personally liked Rugjiro a bit more then these.

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Post by NS » Sun Jul 08, 2007 4:31 pm

This is quite possibly one of the most frustrating people to ever hit the org. I can only think of one more... But we won't go into that.


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