I'm omnipresent, I'm there you just cant see me :O! Besides I don't think your husband would want a 21 drunk guy around his girls (I wouldn't either XD). I drink on holidays to celebrate >_> so yeah.jubjub2 wrote:Chii, I actually might be able to edit this weekend! (You have no idea what that means to me...) O_o
What, so you're not coming for dinner with the other nephews? >:O :'(Eva-Fan wrote:... not to mention I will most likely be pathetically drunk durring thanksgiving holiday period.
I think the only way were gonna be able to meet is at a con, it's how I met Raven afterall. You tell me a con to attend and I'll be THAR. Since I'm a nephew though, I want the works! You better buy me some icecream >:O.