God Hates Us All - Antichrist MEP (Beta's due 31 Aug 08)

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Post by Bauzi » Wed Dec 12, 2007 5:51 pm

Warheart wrote: EDIT:

Further more 16:9 > 4:3

Seriously the technical specs suck ass. I'd suggest you change that and maybe don't use popmusic, then I'm in after finishing Oblivion.
That´s my thought on the stuff too ^^
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Post by Autraya » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:23 pm

Ok since you aren't getting the point I'll spell it out:

1. Nearly every single MEP is 4:3 as well as most sources, so go and attack every other MEP as well while you are spamming here, those of you complaining about upscaling NTSC footage are gonna have even bigger problems when you need to make NTSC 4:3 into PAL 16:9. That said we are willing to make 1 concession in this area and change the AR to PAL 16:9 768X432(too much upscaling for NTSC to go to 1024X576) as it will enhance the viewing experience and there is alot of LA. If there are further complaints, take a number, get in line and the devil will see you when wormwood comes. oh and Bauzi you were asking for 720X480 not 16:9 :?

2. 25 fps gives you more than 23.976 which many other meps have so once again I urge you to spam all of those threads as well and share the love. The MEP is PAL that will not change. So get over it, discussion closed. Hell is not a democracy.

3. This is not a "pick only music that some people like thread" everyone's interpretation of the subject matter will be different, some funny some using Nhilistic death Metal w/e. It's not just about the music people, it's about the footage as well, doing it this way does not impinge on people creativity.
FYI a soft lulaby can be about the antichrist/hell/etc it does not have to be music from a certain genre. Regardless of what source you use if you make shit it will be thrown out.

4. Nerstrudle, you are not in the MEP, Kadaj/CasttoStone isn't responsible for the technical specs or putting it together I am. I don't give a flying rats ass what you think of his capabilities, I'm also aware of what he can do and he's more than up to the task. You are just contributing to spam/bickering so GTFO this thread. This goes for anyone else not on the project that wants to whine about it or the coordinators.

5. If there's anything else about the specs you'd like to bitch about regarding the tech specs contact me on AIM, MSN, #AMV or via PM. otherwise STFU. Unless you have a legit problem or case (such as the 16:9 point) and i repeat; we will NOT be changing from PAL (how else can we break all of GodIX's rules :roll: ).

ps. poor spelling and mathematical abilities on my part are due to me being asleep still while at work
Last edited by Autraya on Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by NS » Wed Dec 12, 2007 7:28 pm

I wasn't talking about Kadaj's Co ordination skills or his technical talking, I was talking about his rep actually XD, but I suppose my basing of the assumption isn't really to good. Oh well, Don't hate meh >_<.... I just like spammin'

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Post by MycathatesyouAMV » Wed Dec 12, 2007 8:11 pm

Joey was flaming this thread. Is there anything you want my cat to do to him ?

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Post by ngsilver » Wed Dec 12, 2007 10:39 pm

Ok, on the technical side: since we're now working 16:9, which is acceptable if my source happens to be 4:3? add a 'letterbox' to keep proper AR or take the 4:3 footage and turn it into 16:9 by cutting parts of the video?

Trying to figure out what my options will be.

As for song, to be on a slightly lighter side of blasphemy, I'm thinking:

John R. Butler - The Hand of the Almighty (aka God Will Fuck You Up)

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Post by Emotive » Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:03 pm

*Autraya sock pupets CtS*
With those AR settings most feature films will still be letterboxed (note: not saying to add letter boxing here it's just the cinema format :roll: ) however anime wont be.

You won't need to add borders to letterbox 4:3 footage to "appear" 16:9, the end project wont be letterboxed (we'll need to save the space which is another reason Warheart's suggestion makes sense) croping is what the devil desires not letterboxing.

Also, edit: I'm really me this time :O @Nerdstrudel: My rep? If what you call "my rep" is what Arashitnome and co think of me, I never gave a flying rat shit's masturbation about it. And if you have anything to reply to this do it over pm or just GTFO.
Last edited by Emotive on Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Osakaisthebomb » Wed Dec 12, 2007 11:08 pm

Just out of curiosity was this MEP created in response to mine??

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Post by EvaFan » Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:31 am

Warheart wrote:don't use popmusic
How about you worry about your own music choice for your own track and let others worry about their music choice for their track? This MEP should not have music limits because the type of music doesn't matter as long as it fits the theme.

Offering a condition to joining an MEP makes you feel like a badass i bet. Hows about this: we give you a free razor blade for your wrists? It even rhymes.
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Post by Tormentor » Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:52 am

Okay, I talked to Jannis yesterday and he said I'm in.

As for my sources, I intend to use serveral audio-sources (satyricon, Ad Hominem....) combined with serveral sources (some voilent hentais, The hills have eyes 2.....). Since I didn't find a commandment saying different, I conclude that using multiple sources is okay.

Gotta hve to look, when I will find the time to get the sources and the editing, but you will have your beta (btw. which specs must it have) on feb the 28th.

Let's hope for a good coop.

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Post by Tormentor » Thu Dec 13, 2007 1:53 am

sry, posting-failure...


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