Im @ my parents house for the moment, so il listen to the remaining track when i come home tomorrow!

Video of the year material right there.Shenlongthetiger wrote:For the moment in waiting a beta of second track, here a beta of the track 04 "when it cuts"
No, he doesnt and that is pretty much the biggest problem :/ and even if he did, he wouldnt upload them for me due to extreme lazyness.Cast to Stone wrote:Anyway, I don't get one thing - does Mugen have the cds, did he use the cds for the mix and does he have a .wav of the mix?
I want a track then regardless wich oneKevmaster wrote:I will be waiting till I get a new Mix done and then I'll take this back up, with stricter rules and Guidelines so this mep can actually turn out good and wont be a sucky piece of crap.
Sorry but eek :S, i think i even spotted a sub at 0:06Shenlongthetiger wrote:For the moment in waiting a beta of second track, here a beta of the track 04 "when it cuts"
Hate to say it but I agree with Kadaj, drop everyone, remake mep.Cast to Stone wrote:Well, lots of betas received of which most are not even decent, the audio mix (as far as I can hear from the transitions) is no good and there's not even a HQ version of it.
If I were you, I'd either drop all the editors, make a new mix and hold this mep anew or drop it and let someone else pick it up, if anyone wants it. Seriously, dropping all the editors might sound harsh but most of the betas blowed anyway (except for like, what? 2?).
If you're going to do this just keep the audio remix kind of similar for those that made half decent tracks.