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Infinity Squared
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Post by Infinity Squared » Sun Mar 09, 2008 9:26 am

Thanks for watching guys... it's appreciated... maybe one day when I have the drive, I'll redo this the proper way I would have wanted it done had it not been rushed :P

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Post by BiccyDash » Mon Mar 10, 2008 2:46 am

the song is something different I'll say, I like the start and didn't much like it towards the end but after I listened to it more I started it like it more.

AMV-wise, I liked the start a lot, but the quality felt like it dropped. As you tried to sync the clips with the lyrics/music, at times felt like you added random clips as filler.
The one thing I don't like about mixed anime AMVs is that the quality changes from clip to clip. But this isn't really your fault.

I think it would have been nice to kind-a keep that machine feel throughout the whole AMV like in the start, *but* it's kind-a nice how as the song goes on the AMV goes from a grey dull like world into more colourful things.

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Post by Savia » Mon Mar 10, 2008 7:53 am

I've always liked this song, so was interested to see what you'd done with it.

My first impressions were along the lines of many in the thread- that your opening premise was more interesting than the continuation of it- but as that ground's been gone over already, I'll make a couple of other points instead.

This had a good use of multiple anime, and you did keep to one important point- making sure that knowledge of the source isn't essential to keeping on top of whatever's going on in the scene. There were a couple times where the jump in animation style or image resolution were a bit jarring (mostly where Azumanga was involved); I think that this was largely noticeable due, ironically enough, to a strength of your video- the calm pacing.

The ending was excellent and tied nicely back to the original concept. Good work and I'll quietly keep my fingers crossed for that remake ;0
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Post by Mamo! » Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:03 pm

That was cool. Nice work, Marky :o

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Post by Megamom » Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:21 pm

Great AMV, full of emotions, beautiful scenes, very good selection of scenes, in general I liked! :wink:


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