I'm sorry, you're a little late, the tracklist is filledReXMaster wrote:i will take any part thats open o.o

I am very disturbed by blabbler and Servo's comments. Regardless, I tried the laid-back, trusting approach, and the meeting was not attended by many, so now I'm going to try a little more serious of an approach. As you can see, the new deadlines, which we established during the meeting, are up. There will another meeting Saturday April 19th, at 7PM Eastern Time. I think this is pretty much the best I can do, time-wise, for everybody. Hopefully, you guys can all make it this time, and in any case, I will be PMing all of you this time, asking for confirmations. By the time of the meeting, you might freaking out as the beta deadline approaches, so I'm banking on the "scared sheep" tactic

Don't worry too much about the first beta deadline, though. As explained in the first post, all we want for that one is a proof of work, no more than 30 seconds, just to see you're on the right track, concept-wise.