MKV + H.264 issues.

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Post by leahzero » Thu Jul 17, 2008 3:46 pm

Hmmm. Well, you said you CAN import and play the file in Premiere, right? If that's the case why not just import it into a new Premiere project and render out to a lossless AVI, then work with that?

In any case, if the file isn't too big, upload it somewhere and I'll take a shot at converting it to a lossless AVI for you.

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Post by LivingFlame » Thu Jul 17, 2008 6:59 pm

Just go get AviSynth out of the AMVapp and use that to open the file in Vdub.

All you have to do is create an .avs file and type the one simple line of code in it which looks like this:

Code: Select all

DirectShowSource("C:\Random Folder\Random Anime.mkv")
Obviously, change the filepath accordingly. Save the .avs file and then drag and drop it into Vdub.

If that doesn't work, come back here and I (or someone else) will link you to an AviSynth plugin that will make it work.

*Obligatory link to the full guide for the AMVapp.*
... yea ...

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Post by Angeteen » Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:15 am

Actually, no, I can't play .mkv files in Premier. Even though I was able to extract the h.264 file, the thing was so badly messed up, that even VLC was of no use. As for the suggestion about creating a script file, I did that, but Alltoavi came up instead. O_o

Despite this however, I uploaded the file to Premier, and surprisingly enough, it ran without the usual slow-ups. Only one problem; the quality needs correcting. In some places it's blocky as sin, and in others, the quality is okay, while as for the rest, it's more of a hit or miss. So, while one problem has been eliminated, that just leaves the question of quality control right now.

I suspect that if I was able to somehow pipe the command to virtualdubmod, I might have better luck, but I'm not yet sure how to do that. Also, on a somewhat unrelated note, I got some message about divx directshow decoder needed to be upgraded to 3.1-4.0. I've tried using google to find this information, and so far have had little luck. I assume that downloading the latest version of Divx may fix this?
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Post by Angeteen » Fri Jul 18, 2008 2:21 pm

I've managed to make some progress with VirtualDubMod. I discovered, through a video on youtube, that your suppose to drag and drop the script onto the play button. Well that worked...sorta. The program still crashes whenever I try to do anything with it. I even tried to save the file as an .avi, and surprise, surprise, it crashed again. :x

Do I need to install something, or do I need to have VirtualDubMod installed to a specific directory with other files? Right now it's unzipped to my desktop for easy access/deletion. >_>
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Post by Angeteen » Fri Jul 18, 2008 3:21 pm

Okay, an idea came to me, and I downloaded the VirtualDub, and dumped everything into the VirtualDubMod folder. How about that; the crashes went away. ^_^;;;;;;

Anyway, I'm experimenting (again) with the results, and was wondering if there is anything critical that I should know about?
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Post by kenzuka » Sat Jul 19, 2008 2:59 am


If you did use the script DirectShowSource...., the crash are expected because you did not kill the audio, and since you have a MKV and h.264 codec, I am pretty sure that your audio is in AAC.

So, the script you should use is:

Code: Select all

DirectShowSource("C:\Random Folder\Random Anime.mkv", audio=false)
Keep the space between the ',' and 'audio'.
I always use that and I do not have any problem with my mkv(x264/aac) files

Just a tip: If you do not want to put the 'C:\random folder' each time in your script, just change the script in:

Code: Select all

DirectShowSource("Random Anime.mkv", audio=false)
and save your script in the same folder as your random anime.

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Post by AceD » Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:25 pm


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