Please leave opinions. This was created a month ago and i beilive i have gotten better. I understand it is pretty boring so I would like comments based on the storyline and scene selection. Thank You
Sorry. Literature is just like the big hobby in my life, and I couldn't help but have a fond memory.JunichiroAMV wrote:I wasnt aware of that, lolCode wrote:Junichiro? As in the author of Aguri? Interesting name to say the very least. Sorry, I just got a little sidetracked after reading that name. :O
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Thank You for the elaborate opinion. I agree with you all the way. My style has changed and has gotten better, and maybe I will create something new when my problem gets fixedCode wrote:Sorry. Literature is just like the big hobby in my life, and I couldn't help but have a fond memory.JunichiroAMV wrote:I wasnt aware of that, lolCode wrote:Junichiro? As in the author of Aguri? Interesting name to say the very least. Sorry, I just got a little sidetracked after reading that name. :O
/gets video
Video was interesting. I've yet to see a good video with this song, and it was nice to see something worthwile edited with it.
You had a tad bit of bad luck. I've seen soo many 5 CM videos in this last year that I'm just basically burnt out on them. So originality suffered, but you picked it back up with a semi-almost-kindof-original concept.
The editing itself was strange. I wasn't fond of the fade to black, then immidiate scene popping up right there. It didn't seem to follow the beat of the song very well. I also haven't use this line in a long time, but your video lacked a "climax". An area where it was the most exciting part of the video. It was just the same kind of scenes over and over again. Also, some scenes (like the second scene) lasted too long and just kind of drug on.
Wasn't bad, wasn't horrible, but it also wasn't revolutionary or eye-popping.
Good attempt and solid concept though.