Here is my complete nomination list for Best Romance 2008:
Really sweet video with remarkable lyrical sync and scene selection. Nice feel and good concept.
And in my opinion one of the best AMV's featuring it's anime.
Absolutely my favorite AMV of the genre from last year. Amazing mood, nifty editing great choice of scenes.
It hit the anime's atmosphere right on the nail. An amazing romance video!
One of my favorites in the genre 2008. With an amazing concept and a totally beautiful song this video quickly grew on me after the first time I ever watched it. The way that Alex Daikou(Author) synced with beats in this video also stunned me, it totally brought in a great feel to it as the video went on. In my opinion, most original video featuring this anime.
Even though featuring something like 5 Centimeters per second, it felt amazingly fresh and sweet. I really love this song, so that may be why this video grew so much on me. But the additional video to this song was really great in my eyes.
Not much I can say about this video except it being one of the few 5 Centimeters video I liked last year.
Though I don't like this all that much as a romance video, it's one of the most enjoyable in the genre I stumbled upon last year. Flashy, sweet and nice to the eye. It's easy to watch and really grabs a hold of the watcher.
Though I didn't like the sudden ending, since it was right there things started to get really interesting with the fx work.
Still, this video really is worth to be mentioned.
One of the most technically impressive romance videos of last year. Really catchy and really well edited.
May not fit everyones taste, but it sure fit mine.
How the fuck is Attack of the Otaku a "romance" video? The song might be about love, but it is not shown in the video. Learn to catagorize your videos right damnit.