I wanted to make this topic since last year, when I was with some AMV-editors in Chicago at a concert. I was looking at them and some were moving their head and body with the music and some of them didn't. At that point I started to wonder: does an editor needs to have a sense of rhythm and a sort of feeling for music (or any sort of feeling in particular) in order to be a good editor? I wonder what the general thoughts are concerning this here at the .org. Maybe some people think it's not needed at all, like it's just a matter of watching the WAV-lines to synch well with the music and that it's just following a set of rules in order to let everything flow well (because sometimes it seems like editors edit like this around here) because the music has already "established the rhythm for you" and you don't need to do that anymore. Maybe some people think a sense of rhythm is not needed, but you do need to be able to analyze and decompose the music really well instead in order to edit well to it. Maybe it's everything that is important. Maybe something else.
So what are your thoughts about this?
And concerning the thread title: they say that people who have a better sense/feeling of rhythm are better dancers and the better the dancer is, the better he/she is at sex.