Trailer: official website has launched for director Kouji Masunari (Kamichu, Risky Safety) and studio A-1 Pictures (Fairy Tail, Kannagi) upcoming motion picture The Space Show (Uchuu Show). The epic adventure about five children’s summer vacation is an original concept developed by Koji Masunari, Hideyuki Kurata, and Tomonori Ochikoshi, who previously worked together on the creation of the R.O.D. and Kamichu TV series.
Welcome to THE SPACE SHOW tells the science-fiction story of children who experience a space-spanning adventure. The story will begin in the countryside during the summer vacation of fifth grader Natsuki Oyama. Natsuki just moved here in June, and she and four of her schoolmates are about to embark on an adventure together that will take them beyond the fields they call home.
It's not yet out, so I didn't ask for it in the anime series discussion yet. Just wanted to hear what other people thought about it. (teh movie, not the lame narration)
I am pretty excited for it. I loved Read or Die, and I haven't seen Kamichu!, but the animation is great. It's probably going to be the most anticipated film of the year, excluding Haruhi Suzumiya, maybe. More articles on it here: ... hp?id=9174
So... thoughts? Cool? Lame?