Requesting some demystification...

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Requesting some demystification...

Post by Gaelstrom » Tue May 04, 2010 11:48 pm

I'm sorry, but this is really getting me a confused. I'm attempting to rip the GITS Movie special edition, got the footage ripped, have the VOBs, tried them in DGIndex to deinterlace or whatever, demuxed the audio and video and have them as separate sources now. AVISynth is where everything always becomes complete gibberish to me as the guide has me do something that seems to make sense, but AVISynth scripts have never ever worked for me ever and I just don't understand why.

Something doesn't feel right with this, but am I supposed to take the VOBs though DGIndex then to VirtualDub and encode them before I'm able to give them a script? I just want to de-interlace the stupid thing, but all the thought of this does is fill me extreme amounts of dread because I waste more time on this than it will take me to do the damn video.

When do I attempt to bring in the video to AvsP, as the demuxed video file doesn't respond.

I really wish I had a mind for coding, but I don't, I honestly just have to admit that this stuff needs to be spelled out for me.

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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Kionon » Wed May 05, 2010 3:04 am

No. You take the .AVS file that DGIndex produces, put your commands in that, and then see how the commands worked by opening up the .AVS file in Vdub. If it looks good, export out a lossless copy. Place in editor. ??? Profit.
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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Mister Hatt » Wed May 05, 2010 3:29 am

DGIndex doesn't create an avs file kio, it creates a modified version of the avi2dvd file. The file basically lists a line for each frame with the quantizer used and how it relates it's fields to itself and others. It also has some other info about GOPs and such.

@Gaelstrom: Basically, to get reliable seeking and processing of a VOB file, you need to create an index of every frame. That is what DGIndex does (I use dvd2avi myself though), it outputs a d2v file. In avisynth, you can use a source plugin made for your d2v file (should be dgdecode_mpeg2source() for you) to load your video into the frameserver. You can then do various things with it, such as IVTC, deinterlacing, or post process filtering and cleanup, quite a lot really. Paste the script here if you want specific help for it.

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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Kionon » Wed May 05, 2010 3:34 am

<Kionon> Yes it does O_o
<godix> bill nye did songs? I was never a bill nye watcher really
<Hatt> hence the name, Donald Graft's Indexer
<Kionon> it makes a .d2v file.
<Hatt> you wrote avs
<Hatt> just sayin'
<Coderjoe> yeah. not bill himself, but on his show. they were usually spoofs of pop songs.
<Kionon> which also makes a .avs
<Coderjoe> oh, and square one?
<Kionon> It always did for me.
<Kionon> which is why you have template.avs
<Hatt> no kio, you import the d2v file into avs
<Hatt> oh people use that function?
<Hatt> LOL
<Kionon> It does that automatically
<godix> I should revive that idea for a MEP one of these days
<Hatt> my indexer doesnt output avs because it's fucking dumb imo
<Kionon> So Hatt, now who is wrong?
<Hatt> also I use YATTA which does it for me anyway at a much higher level
<Kionon> :O
<Hatt> Kionon: well to be fair, dgindex outputs d2v, and it has the option to output a derived avs, but it isn't default
<Kionon> DGIndex has always outputted a .avs, a .d2v, and a .ac3 file
<Hatt> how strange
<Hatt> I have it set to only do d2v
<Kionon> IIn the AmvApp versions, they are auto enabled.
<Hatt> and by default it will only do d2v and demux all audio tracks, which I don't need anyway
<Kionon> Have been since A D wrote the damn thing in like
<Kionon> I dunno
<Kionon> 2005?
<Hatt> ah, must be a custom ini file then
<Coderjoe> I have never had dvd2avi or dgindex output an AVS file
<Coderjoe> only d2v and wav/ac3 (if enabled)
* Hatt uses a SUGOI version of dvd2avi ^^
<Kionon> O.o
<godix> coderjoe: Interesting. I'll have to look this stuff up sometime
<godix> right now, I think I'm heading to bed
<Kionon> The only time I had to tell it to make one was initially, like two days ago, when I upgraded to the newest that was not included in AmvApp.
<Kionon> But for years, it always auto made one for me without me doing anything
<Coderjoe> I've always made the avs file manually
<Coderjoe> but then I think I am still using an ancient version
<Kionon> I never do. Unless I am not working with DVDs.
<Kionon> Which I prefer not to.
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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Zarxrax » Wed May 05, 2010 7:38 am

When you say it doesn't work, what doesn't work? Is there an error message?

You simply have to load the .d2v file that dgindex outputs through avs, with this command.
MPEG2Source("your filename here.d2v")

As kionon said, dgindex might automatically generate that avs file for you. But maybe not.

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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Kionon » Wed May 05, 2010 8:23 am

Make sure to have the entire destination in the parentheses, just in case your .avs file is not in the same place as your d2v, and check it for typos. This is a fairly common mistake, and you will get a syntax error:

Code: Select all

mpeg2source("C:\windows\profiles\crossover\Desktop\My Mac Desktop\AMV stuff\kewp\kewp.d2v")
As an example, old filters are old.
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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Mister Hatt » Wed May 05, 2010 9:29 am

Even if the d2v and avs files are in the same directory they require the quotes and parentheses, it's how avisynth's parser recognises strings from variables. You do not need the full path however, both DGDecode/Mpeg2Dec3 and avisynth work perfectly well with relative paths, so if it's all in the same folder you can just use the file name, no need for the rest of it.

@Kio: I felt ill after reading that travesty :/

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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Gaelstrom » Wed May 05, 2010 6:57 pm

None of the source calls work at all. Each one gets a different problem.

I noticed quotations around the file above, so I added in quotations around the file path, but that didn't do anything either.

Here's what I get:
MPEG2Source("C:\Movies Temp\VTS_01_3.demuxed.d2v")
Script Error: No function named MPEG2Source (which leads me to believe I'm missing something...)

dgdecode_mpeg2source("C:\Movies Temp\VTS_01_3.demuxed.d2v")
Same as above.

Tried the others, for $***s and giggles, but I figured they were pointless.

Since I've got a previous version of AMVApp apparently, something is probably missing. What could that be though, I thought this was relatively standalone? I only installed AvsP, I do have the others ready though. Should I just go ahead and nix the old AMVApp? I remember the guide warning against it, but I don't think that really applies to me. What should I look for that could be making these codes hate me?

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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Kionon » Wed May 05, 2010 7:30 pm

You're missing the DGDecode.dll, sounds like. Open your plugins folder and make sure you have it.
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Re: Requesting some demystification...

Post by Gaelstrom » Thu May 06, 2010 2:31 am

All right, it looks like I have that, but I get the feeling I'm doing something wrong. How does AvsP and AVISynth work with one another because all I do is open AvsP. The dll you mentioned is in the AVISynth folder, but I have AVISynth 2.5 which I guess is from the previous AMVApp. I'm not sure really how AVISynth interacts with AvsP if at all. Would someone be willing to briefly explain what I should do to get the plugins in and working with AvsP or whatever? Should I got ahead and uninstall this version of AVISynth and install the new version or...

Sorry, don't mean to make this difficult, this type of stuff really is a blind spot for me.


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