AimoAio wrote:I'm not big on colouring so normally seeing that in videos tends to put me off but I actually really really liked the colouring in this!
Nice scene selection & the editing was pretty damn good too.

Just a shame it was so short ;__;
Keep up the good work! ^^ I want to see MOAR vids. >:3
Glad to know I didn't fail at that (I still think it's too bright at some point tho >:)
And yeah, I tend to cut songs a lot... xD
Thanks again, it's always nice to hear from you :3
EvaFan wrote:Enjoyed this alot. Nothing amazing on the concept but the editing and style was great.
Thank you!
EkaCoralian wrote:
Well you already know my opinion on this. XD -loves-
0SimplyAngel0 wrote:Uby, I love you D:
Love you both
NS wrote:Is it just me or are more and more people just using openings from various anime as their source footage?..I mean whatever, I guess the styles of the openings and stuff is usually cool so it kinda makes sense, just makes me a little sad.
Either way the sync was nice, felt a little slow at parts, but still pretty good.
I'm not actually a fan of AMVs with a load of openings either and anyone can see that from my other works (if they've seen my previous videos... of course); it's actually the first time I make an AMV out of them xD
But thanks, glad you still enjoyed! ^^
CodeZTM wrote:I really enjoyed this. I actually liked the coloring pretty well. I mean it wasn't flawless sheer perfection the likes of which Picasso would fall to his knees in admiration of, but for an AMV, it was nicely done and enjoyable. Sync was pretty tight, and I liked the general flow of it.
LOL! I was a little concerned with the color, so I'm glad. Thank you (: