It's appropriate that I write this up the day after Halloween, because the main search page looks like it was designed by the unfortunate combination of too many Skittles and too much tequila. Look at this:

I'm color-blind, and even I can tell that this is too many colors and zero coordination. It doesn't match in with the rest of the site, and the colors appear mainly to be used to separate the too many and too poorly-explained options. If I was in charge of fixing search, this is a clumsy MSPaint look at what the page would look like:

The search and browse options are separated and clearly delineated, reducing confusion. Quick search should usually be powerful enough, and in any case we already suggest Super Search on every regular search page. (Though "For more control over your search results, use the Super Search" might be better phrased as "Not what you were looking for? Try the Super Search", less stuffy.) The reason for the deprecation of Super Search (which is still useful) is below.

Look at the stats on this thumbnail. Super Search, just the options, not any of the boilerplate at the bottom or the framing that the site necessarily does, is nearly 1200 pixels tall. It is too damn big, page-physically, and is populated with a ton of options, most of which nobody puts any values into. It is potentially confusing and intimidating to new users, and it doesn't have to be. If the options in Super Search were collapsible, the content of the function could be preserved in an interface that starts out looking like this MSPaint impression:

With this, the user can open up tabs and see if entering stuff there is helpful, or if the defaults need to be changed. It doesn't crush their screen, and they don't need to think about the fields that don't matter to them.
If one of the objectives of the redesign is to get more viewers in, it makes sense to fix up the search options. The content of the search interface is fine, but the presentation needs some working over, either along these lines or along lines that someone else will come up with later.