LC_Lapen wrote:Nice. Was wondering when we'd get the RUURUS up.
Gotta few things to ask again:
1) With the addition of the 'Fun' Category, does that mean the total number of finalist videos for each category is going to drop to 6 or even *gasp* 5?
2) Michael, I'm reading the RUURUS and I'm still seeing HuffYUV as an acceptable codec. Weren't you going to nix that one off the list? I seem to recall last year my HuffYUVs gave you a hard time.
3) There still isn't an "Expiration Date" on AMVs where you can't enter a video made over certain amount of time ago, right? I don't have any myself, just want to get a handle on how wide the playing field is.
Other than that, it seems like everything's set. Having the entry form limited to 4 now is really making me nitpick my potential AMV projects (in a good way). Everything else I'm curious about will reveal itself in time I suppose. After all, there's No way Of Knowing In Advance. *wink* *wink*.
I think I posted this on the AX Forums already but for those that don't peruse them.
We aren't dropping the finalists per category to 5 we are dropping them to 6 to make room. For those doing the math that means we have a total AMV net gain of two videos in the presentation.
Regarding HuffYUV...yeah...I knew I forgot something. To be honest it has been hit or miss with that codec with some working awesomely and some not. I am going to give it one more year to see if the new utilities I have will keep things smooth. if not I may nix it next year...but then I hope to be able to accept Hi-Def next year if I get my new system built this year.
While we don't have a formal "expiration date" we would hope you would send us your best that hasn't been entered before. If you have a totally killer Ranma 1/2 VS Bubblegum Crisis video that you made back in 99 and have never entered it in our contest before, then I encourage you to submit it.
As for the subliminal messaging, we are still working that part out. It depends on how many days we get that venue for. THAT however, is a whole other topic.