ShatteredFlame wrote:Fucking drunk driver almost killed me today. Was at an intersection and this dude was heading straight for me, all I could do was move a little to the left but he still slammed me hard. My poor little Honda Civic got wrecked. At least I'm ok and I have lots of witnesses/pictures (hell if I did manage to move, the person in back of me would have been killed).
The dude wasn't legally drunk (only 0.2) but they did find beer cans in his car, and he had a suspended license, and he had a metal hip and wasn't in any condition to drive. Yet they couldn't legally arrest him? The cops even hated him.
Wait, where do you live where 0.2 isn't legally drunk? That's twice the legal limit in most places, and more than 2x in places like California (where it's 0.08).