Congrats Yue!Radical_Yue wrote:Still sick as a dog with very little motivation to move/live but my future place of employment FINALLY got back to me! My background check was being a super bitch coming back and all D:
I've got my schedule, pay rate, the works. I'll even start off doing 20 weeks of training, with weekends off, making more than I ever did at my old place :3
Plus, one of my favorite ladies from my old work is there and she says she LOVES it so far. PLUS, Matt is getting tired of his current job and applied there too!
I'm really excited x] Now if only I could breath out my nose D:
I was initially saddened when I was going to lose my job, but knowing I can find another opportunity or get unemployment and work on my web show pretty much makes me looking forward to leave.
The hardest part is going to say goodbye to all the friends I've made here , but I've been gathering their numbers, emails, and facebooks so I can still keep in touch.