I don't know, however they have a version of the Lucky star opening on disk 1 with a lot less noise ... however, it has the lyrics in big japanese letters hard encoded over the footage.Scintilla wrote:I'm also talking about Bandai USA. I had to find the Japanese footage for the few scenes that required the Pizza Hut logos, but the rest of the time, I was using the R1 DVDs.JudgeHolden wrote:Now, I should have stated that I'm talking about Bandai USA, not the japanese branch (remember all the pizza hut logos where rotoed out of Code Geass for the U.S. release).
Those OP shots do look horrid though. But with motion and colors like that, I'm not sure you could make it any better in MPEG-2 without going out-of-spec on the bitrate...?
Edit: Oh, and the OPing with the credits also look much better (just looked at those again). So, I think it has less to do with bitrates, and more to do with not caring or bothering since the textless stuff are "extras".