Not if you don't already know where to find it on the web. Turn on phone, load app, open ar calc, way be faster then opening the web browser and search google. For me, it's irrelevent since I had the tool I need but for someone else who may need it and doesn't know where to look... yea maybe it could be useful. What are the chances someone would actually use it, probably pretty low.BasharOfTheAges wrote: But not relevant if you're editing already. You're already on your computer any time you'd need it.
It would be a lot quicker to load the app and click through maybe two windows to get a direct link to it then type out "" in my phone's browser and navigate the site to get to it. We all know how difficult it is to navigate the site already. I doubt I would hard-code the guides into the app. If they were ever updated again, I don't want to have to go back into the app and update that. At best, I would grab the HTML and display it in a webview. at the least, a link that opens the browser to the page.BasharOfTheAges wrote: If the goal is to point out where the guides are on the site, you'd use the web browser on your phone though. Otherwise it's not going to help them when they sit down at their computer and look for it again themselves.