The AMV .Org App Feedback Thread!

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by TEKnician » Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:40 pm

Pwolf wrote:download them to the phone for offline viewing?
aint that kinda impossible since most [if not ALL] of the video containers aren't supported on the iOS? I've never seen an m4v on the org EVER.
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by Pwolf » Mon Feb 13, 2012 12:43 am

Not really. iOS supports mp4. The problem is wither or not the hardware can handle it. The newer gen iDevices can handle new encodes but older ones can't. That said, I can always download the preview stream that you watch normally through the app if a local video doesn't play.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by gotegenks » Mon Feb 13, 2012 4:40 pm

It was actually a joke, like a facebook setup to upload random crap from your phone, but i pushed for mobile downloading like that in the beginning of it all, heck, i pushed for an extra local slot for direct ipod compatible mp4s cause you can just come to the Org on the browser and click the direct link and watch it like that back in like 2009 or 10. I thought mobile downloading would be impossible, but if its not that would be the ideal omfg amazing org app is amazing feature. At least for me, and it would really warrant the members only caveat, but idk about legal stuff, especially getting it past apple.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by Koopiskeva » Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:19 pm

"make video" button? |:

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The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by TEKnician » Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:19 pm

Koopiskeva wrote:"make video" button? |:
holy shit. Do you know how hard/awesome that would be?
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by Pwolf » Tue Feb 14, 2012 4:49 pm

I'm on it.

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The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by TEKnician » Tue Feb 14, 2012 5:02 pm

Pwolf wrote:I'm on it.
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by Pwolf » Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:44 am

I have a question for you guys (only relevant to android users, but if you're an iOS user please answer also):

Which would you prefer, in a seperate tab for searching the database, after you click the search button, would you rather the search results come up and fill up the full real estate of the screen or stay within the tab frame.

An example of what I'm referring to would be looking at the current app that's available on the Marketplace. When you do a search, you see the full window, there are no other UI elements or Tabs. If you use the official Twitter app, it does it this way when you click on a tweet or an object in a tab. It will load the next activity as it's own view on top of the Tab view. Now, look at this video I posted the other day:

As you can see, the entire search process is confined to the tab content frame below the tab bar but it's a loss of view space. I hope that illustrates what I'm asking. I think most apps use the other method where you would click a tab and then any other functions after that will load a new activity (page/window/frame what ever you want to call it) because it's easier to code. Which is one of the reasons why I'm asking. I'm not quite sure how iOS would handle this normally so I can't comment. I haven't looked into Tabs yet on that platform.

Anyway, I wouldn't mind some feedback on this. Both methods, while rather similar require two completely different mindsets in design and layout (well, one is easier to implement than the other but after the hard one is done, the easier one can still be done easily) so I want to figure this one out before I get too far into this current build.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by Pwolf » Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:47 pm

Since no one had an opinion, I answered it for you:

Now I'm at the stage where I need ideas for how to organize the news page. The 3 initial pieces of content I want to display here are the news, the video spotlight, and the new videos on the block. What else would you like to see? How would you like it to be organized in the frame? I'll be moving on to Journals after that so feel free to give me your opinion on those as well.

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Re: The AMV .Org App Layout Thread!

Post by gotegenks » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:01 pm

new quick comments on the users videos? that's the only thing i can think of, that and maybe opinions, but i think quick comments would be easier (but i have no idea)

would you have a way to set the app where it only shows you journals you're "subscribed" to or friends with or whatever (doesn't the Org have some feature like that?)


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