The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by AllyKatAVR » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:40 pm

I don't agree with the deprecation of the genre as a whole nor do I think my video lives up to what a "good" action AMV should be, but its making for some interesting controversy and discussion XD You're entitled to your opinions so continue with your reviews and don't let any opposition stifle you, Code =)

Controversy aside, I'd like to take this time to have a feel good moment for myself XD

I'm so flattered that my sweet little bunneh was considered for a public review, even more so since its one of the few action videos that Code likes :D Heck, my face is still flushed just from seeing the title of this Lip Flapper XD I'm not one that actually enjoys my own work, in fact I usually hate my stuff, but after reading this review, I was able to rewatch Bunneh and find it a little more enjoyable ^^

For these genre specific AMV reviews, it'd be interesting to get a second reviewer who has a differing taste than Code's, ya know, to have opinions from both sides of the spectrum. If Awesome Bunneh is a "good" action AMV to someone who doesn't like the genre, what AMV would someone who DOES have a preference for it consider "good"? I'm pretty curious about that.

Thank you for taking the time to review Awesome Bunneh, Code! It was unexpected, but very much appreciated! Keep the AMV reviews coming! They might make someone's day, just like this made mine =D

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by ngsilver » Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:49 am

AMV Review - srs bsns

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by JaddziaDax » Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:31 am

I think the bunny wins over other action amvs, because I'd rather look at his cute furry butt then some over muscled dbz character :) Also why I like a lot of Ileia's action videos hawtt anime chick > over muscled screaming guy.

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by gotegenks » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:36 pm

^^^i love dragonball z, but there are about 4-5 dragonball z videos that i've ever seen that i didn't i'd have to agree!

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by MimS » Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:44 pm

I don't like this review, you mention many points from the movie (that arc is short blablabla) and I'm like : "Who cares? Are we supposed to know the movie to judge this video?". I don't think so.
Anyway, I never thought this vid was that good, I really don't get why you choose this one as an example as a good action vid, still my respect to the editor, it's not against him, I just think there are a lot of great action videos that deserve more to served as examples.

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by TEKnician » Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:50 pm

MimS wrote:I don't like this review, you mention many points from the movie (that arc is short blablabla) and I'm like : "Who cares? Are we supposed to know the movie to judge this video?". I don't think so.
Anyway, I never thought this vid was that good, I really don't get why you choose this one as an example as a good action vid, still my respect to the editor, it's not against him, I just think there are a lot of great action videos that deserve more to served as examples.
Well, I kinda agree. But I still liked it! I remember watching this a while back and I just watched it for all of the fighting scenes. At least he squeezed out all the boring parts of the movie :ying:
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by CodeZTM » Sun Mar 04, 2012 6:43 pm

TEKnician wrote:
MimS wrote:I don't like this review, you mention many points from the movie (that arc is short blablabla) and I'm like : "Who cares? Are we supposed to know the movie to judge this video?". I don't think so.
Anyway, I never thought this vid was that good, I really don't get why you choose this one as an example as a good action vid, still my respect to the editor, it's not against him, I just think there are a lot of great action videos that deserve more to served as examples.
Well, I kinda agree. But I still liked it! I remember watching this a while back and I just watched it for all of the fighting scenes. At least he squeezed out all the boring parts of the movie :ying:
So perhaps reviewing videos from the perspective of never having seen the particular anime would be a better method? I can see how that would be beneficial to readers, as they may not have seen a particular anime before.

I can't promise that it would be ALL the time (if I ever review a video over an anime that I love, I'll likely go into that regard), but I will try to keep in mind that readers may not know a particular anime as well as I do. Thank you for the feedback.

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by Shin-AMV » Sun Mar 04, 2012 7:16 pm

I thought this was a review for action, but all I see is drama! :ying:

j/k :bear:

Lessons learned, we move on. Interesting review. :)

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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by Taite » Sun Mar 04, 2012 11:41 pm

Guess all that blonde hair was hiding under those goggles of his! Haha.

It was a good review, though I think this amv does lack concept. If you look at it, every action amv does have a concept/story... but only if you've seen the anime. :P Which is the same case for this amv. Nonetheless, it is an enjoyable amv, though mostly in the second half.

I appreciate your reviews, I think they're solid and well-organized. However, my one suggestion: rather than reviewing random amvs, I think it'd be better to review a genre or use an amv as an example of a good use of effects, etcetc. So this would fit under a good example of Action, and the sort. Maybe you aren't picking them at random and I just can't tell :roll: But to me, I think reviews are better left in the opinion box of a video, and the Lip Flapper would be a great place to have a more journalistic approach to reviews, kind of like your interviews, I don't know. Maybe you could even get more people's opinion on one amv, or have a partner or something, to kind of eliminate the whole biasy thing people have an issue with (which is a bit odd in itself, considering reviews are, opinions... and opinions are... yeah....) Not that you aren't a good reviewer, and I really like the format you have right now, but I tend to prefer your interviews more simply because everyone tends to have their own opinions on amvs, so in the end it's just like, "Well, there's Code's opinion on that amv, cool."

Still enjoyable though, so whatever you end up doing, just don't stop and keep having fun with it. :)
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Re: The Lip Flapper : Volume 11.5 - Awesome Bunneh Review

Post by TEKnician » Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:17 am

Spoiler :
Spoiler :
I seem to recall the line: "Hey, Love Machine, guess who's back? Now you'll have to deal with Kazma 2.0"

So I guess Kazuma (the kid) must've tweaked his AWESOME BUNNEH after that first fight. I just love that movie :D Its right up there in my list next to Ghibli's stuff.
Almost as hard as fighting a Holy Paladin.


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