Disclaimer: These interviews are not associated with a-m-v.org's administration. Continued exposure to "The Lip Flapper" may cause your chocolate stockpiles to dwindle, and tax gnomes to attack your homes.
Welcome to the Lip Flapper! Each week, we delve deep into the community and get a look into both individual members as well as group discussions on various issues that surround our hobby.
This Week in "The Lip Flapper"
We talk with EimiJ7 today! Editor of the many fine videos such as:
While I cannot promise a Friday review at the moment, I do promise to try and get the review team up and running.
The Interview
Q: Thanks for being with me this week. How about we get things rolling by having you introduce yourself and letting us know a little about you?
Hello, my name is Eimi. I'm from the New York part of New Jersey, but I'm currently a student in Baltimore studying Digital Media Arts. I'm graduating this year and am hoping to get a job in the nonprofit world and will hopefully be able to get a job as some sort of creative director or assistant. I can more or less speak Japanese (not fluently though and I'm not very good at reading Kanji) and got the chance to study abroad in Japan; that was a childhood dream come true. I can't really think of anything more to say… except I have bunnies at home and they're adorable!
Q: Thanks for joining me today Eimi. Let's start things off the typical way and ask how you got involved in editing AMVs?
It was about two years ago that my roommate introduced me to AMV's with Hagaren's "This is Halloween." I thought it was really good and started finding more amv's in my free time. Well, then I was watching AMV's with someone else one day and he said something like "I bet you can't make an AMV like this!" So of course, I had to prove him wrong. I already had the programs so all I had to do was rip the DVD's then get started. The result was "Let the Rain Fall," (it's not the first I premiered, but it is the first I made) I had so much fun making it and felt so accomplished that I had to keep going with it.
Q: The first video of yours that I was introduced to was Deceiver (who got shot to me from Jaddziadax I believe via a journal entry). Great video! What made you want to edit this particular video? More importantly, what made you decide to leave it in such the sad ending?
Well I really love that song, and wanted to see the dancing in Princess Tutu set to the song, just because I thought it would go well together. I thought the words of the song were also very powerful and so tried to figure out a way that would make the footage of Princess Tutu also tell a fitting story. The ending came basically as a result of the rest of the story I created; in my mind it just wouldn't have made sense to have a happy ending after all that drama build up.
Q: This is a fairly overused song and source. Did that knowledge have any impact on how you decided to edit this video?
To be perfectly honest, I didn't know that either of them were overused until after I made it. I hadn't heard of Within Temptation before that song and I had only seen maybe 3 or 4 Princess Tutu Amv's. I guess I was hoping I could make it really good like "Hold me Now," but really I was trying to make my editing follow the song.
Q: In AWA 2011, you edited Unlimited, which was an interesting multi-source video set to "Gravity" from Wicked. What made you decide to use this particular song?
Mostly I like the uplifting "I can do anything" feel to the song. That is why I called it Unlimited, because I wanted it to focus on the characters breaking free of any boundaries that are holding them back. I specifically chose those anime for two reasons. I wanted some independent female characters that were not action heroines, and I wanted to use anime that could be used literally with the defying gravity theme in order to give it another dimension.
Q: Double Trouble. Such a great combination of music and video and just really came together well. What was the inspiration here, and how did you pick what characters would play the parts of Jessie/James?
I have to say this was not actually my idea, I got it from a friend of mine, but had to jump on it because I love Isaac and Miria so much. Baccano is one of my favorite anime probably because of these two characters, so making this amv was more fun than I've ever had editing before. I still tried to challenge myself with the lip syncing in this one, and even though it's not perfect, I do feel like I have gotten a lot better at this in the past year.
Q: I'm Home was a different type of video for you. A great MMV that was extremely touching. Are MMVs harder to edit than AMVs, and is there anything in particular that you enjoy more/less in the medium than in AMVs?
It's difficult for me to say which is harder because I feel that both have their own kinds of problems. For me, the actual in program editing of MMV's is easier than AMV's, but the preparation is a whole lot harder. You have to go through the pages of the manga and find the pictures that work, take out word bubbles and do the coloring. I also found it difficult to visualize exactly how everything would look when I put it together and would often find myself having to replace images because the ones I used at first didn't work together in the way I wanted them to. For the most part though, once I got into the editing program I knew more or less what scenes I would use because I had already done all the work to prepare before hand.
I think I had to be a little more patient with the MMV because I had to do all the tedious work beforehand. When I make AMV's I normally line up all the clips first and then do anything tedious, like rotoscoping, at the end. This way I already have a good idea of what my AMV is going to look like. In general I always find it harder to start a project than finish one too, so that might have something to do with my opinion. I would make one again in the future though, if I come up with another idea.
Q: As a "newer" member of the community, what do you think of the site thus far?
For me, this has been a great way to find good AMV's, both old and new. Reading the software forums and some of the guides has been very helpful for me, especially when I was just getting started. The contest forum is also very convenient, and I like watching what people announce and reading some of the general forums when I have time. At first I was kind of afraid to announce anything because I know people here are a little more critical that people on youtube, for example, but I also wanted to get better so I finally decided it was time to announce something. In general, I really like the community here; it somehow seems like everybody knows each other.
Q: Is there anything that you think might improve our site, or make it more "fun" for users to get more involved with?
These kinds of questions are always hard for me, I guess if searching for AMV's was made a little more intuitive, for example making it possible to search by keyword. I know this isn't directly connected to the site, but I do think the live streaming for the VCA's this year was pretty fun, maybe it would be possible to have something similar for other org contests.
Q: Well thank you very much for speaking with me today. Any last words of advice that you might like to give someone considering making an AMV?
I'd say just go for it and see what happens, and don't give up on an idea because you think you can't do it. It's also good to watch a lot of other AMV's that you consider to be good too. Watching other AMV's will give you a chance to find new ideas or techniques to try out.
After Thoughts
EimiJ7 is a new editor who is really bringing some spark into AMVs, creating a lot of lovely pieces with a wide variety of genres and concepts. Of all the videos I've mentioned here, ALL of them are on my constant replay list at work. Very impactful and very effective.
I personally always look forward to what she does not, and I hope you guys do too!
Monthly Calendar
-Currently, the monthly calendar has not yet been confirmed. I'm waiting on a reply before I can set everything in stone.-
Past Interviews/Discussions
Check the Main Thread for all relevant information about future Lip Flappers, as well as past/future interviews!
Next Time on "The Lip Flapper"
Join me Friday when I hopefully will have a review! Next week, we'll start back with panel interviews and hopefully get to talk about visual effects with some of the fan-favorite effect editors.