AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by irriadin » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:05 pm

I'm not an unbiased party, but I think an hour is the perfect length for something like this. It's not like these will happen every week.

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by Ileia » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:12 pm

An hour is a bit daunting for some people. You could split it up into segments for each video, but still release them all together.
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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by Shin-AMV » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:16 pm

For the youtube release, it'd probably do better overall if each AMV review was its own video, but have a downloadable version that is intact in its entirety.

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by irriadin » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:21 pm

True. From the perspective of this being a podcast, an hour length is perfect. Since there's a video aspect to it, though, splitting it up wouldn't hurt.

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by BasharOfTheAges » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:23 pm

I'm glad it went through some form of post-production and was cut down so that it gave the impression people managed to stay on topic. If it was tons of goofing off and tangents for an hour, I wouldn't have listened to it that long. There was substance to this and it kept on focus enough to be entertaining.
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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by lloyd9988 » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:28 pm

xD I liked the review. It was awesome to listen to. xD

I would like to hear a little more on "A Slice of Life" because it just seemed like everyone was kinda seeing the video as a "Past" event video instead of just like a video where the editor was saying: "This is how life feels like from my perspective". Like, I know its like we have expectations of what to see in a video but I really do think that video kinda broke people's expectations a bit and was sending a different message rather than the initial interpretation. xP

Also, if you got time for another review, I'd kinda like to see a review on this one if possible: Silver Lining

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by inthesto » Wed Mar 14, 2012 8:51 pm

Why the fuck is there a thing going on without a personal invitation delivered right to my doorstep
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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by Radical_Yue » Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:06 pm

Just About Everybody wrote:It's too long, cut it up.

Yeeeeah, my bad. It was my first go at something like this so I was really unprepared but I'll more be cutting them up in the future. I'll probably go with Shin's suggestion of having the cut up reviews and also one mega review.

GuntherAMVs wrote:This was so much fun xD. And OMG, Paco, thank you~! <3
If I get reviewed, that probably means I'm not allowed in that conference xDD
Glad you had fun :3
If we end up reviewing the video of someone that is also taking part in the review, I'll just make them do a silly accent and pretend to be someone else.

I had already decided a while ago that if anyone fails to show up, Fall_Child42 will impersonate them and take part in the review in their stead.
BasharOfTheAges wrote:
EDIT - The outtakes made my night.
Mine too.
I've been told my Shin impression is quite good.

BasharOfTheAges wrote:I'm glad it went through some form of post-production and was cut down so that it gave the impression people managed to stay on topic. If it was tons of goofing off and tangents for an hour, I wouldn't have listened to it that long. There was substance to this and it kept on focus enough to be entertaining.
You have no idea. The outtakes were just the tip of the iceberg. xD
lloyd9988 wrote: I would like to hear a little more on "A Slice of Life" because it just seemed like everyone was kinda seeing the video as a "Past" event video instead of just like a video where the editor was saying: "This is how life feels like from my perspective". Like, I know its like we have expectations of what to see in a video but I really do think that video kinda broke people's expectations a bit and was sending a different message rather than the initial interpretation. xP
The video was primarily discussed while it was playing, but compared to the first couple videos, yeah, it didn't get much love. We actually ended up watching "End" after it was brought up in conversation and didn't come back to the video.

It was my fault for not thinking out the order we'd be watching them in. Next time I'll try to arrange the videos better.

inthesto wrote:Why the fuck is there a thing going on without a personal invitation delivered right to my doorstep

Because you're busy throwing parties in Equestria. But if you see inthesto around, tell him I'm doing reviews and he's more than welcome to join.

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by Shin-AMV » Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:45 pm

Radical_Yue wrote: I've been told my Shin impression is quite good.
Spot on, spot on.

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Re: AMV Review - Episode 1 "Needs More Twitch"

Post by Otohiko » Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:11 pm

Dude, I missed this being released.

The final product is pretty cool! I'm really surprised how long this actually went on, but yeah, on listening, I have to say we did a good job of keeping on topic. Fun watching/listening to this.
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