Relationships with other AMV sites

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Chained(E)Studio » Wed Mar 14, 2012 4:46 pm

Most frequent on org for sure, but I do like to read on the French Forums (such as amv-france, souls team, and phoenix team - as I can understand some french) - haven't posted much aside from ICs and MEPs (Don't consider it pimping since I talk to a few of them on skype and other social mediums)

As for the Hungarian/Portuguese/Italian Forums, ZonaAMV and others etc. I just lurk as there are way too many to be constantly looking at them.

I like to go to AKROSS and AMVNews to check out new AMVs and other things that might be happening cause I like their contests. Haven't posted much on these either.

I don't really feel there is language barrier problems, since most of them can speak English. They either speak it extremely well, or decently. I have even spoken on other chat mediums like Skype with a few Russian editors - who know English well. They just don't let it on, and well its their community so they speak their native language of course. As anyone would. =3

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by -Kyros- » Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:00 pm

Initially attended enough AMV.IT
then over time the community is becoming less.
Only a few months I'm beginning to attend more
initially not attended for a little afraid that my amv are not equal, a little to the problem of my terrible English.
Then thanks to my friends :D , who share this passion, I have explained a little bit the community, I decided to attend in their free time this site :ying:

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Diegao » Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:18 am

I check out several AMV-related sites, but the only one I follow frequently and where I post regurarly is the Org. Language barrier isn't a big problem for me, especially lately.

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Kairih » Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:02 am

-Kyros- wrote:Initially attended enough AMV.IT
then over time the community is becoming less.
Only a few months I'm beginning to attend more
initially not attended for a little afraid that my amv are not equal, a little to the problem of my terrible English.
Then thanks to my friends :D , who share this passion, I have explained a little bit the community, I decided to attend in their free time this site :ying:
Same here, I've been in the AMV.IT before this one, but the community is slowly going down.
So I tried the org, I'm here by less than a month but I have to say that it's a nice stay.
For the other site.....
I do the same as Shin, I check the other sites fairly regularly, but I rarely comment/participate.
Here it is. Only languages I know are Italian and English (and I don't speak english very well, but I always try my best).
I check them, I get into the contest sometimes, but I can't speak because of the language.

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Castor Troy » Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:37 pm doesn't really like my videos. :ying: :evil: :nono:
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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by TritioAFB » Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:42 pm

Interesting feedback we got here.

At my case I'll keep mentioning that I don't speak russian nor I can't write. However, I can read it, that's the reason why several buddies insists writing in russian, and I keep replying to them.

Normally I don't post any of my stuff until I meet very well the site, that's what I did in the org for example, because I prefer to meet and get into the site than just putting stuff and then leave. Thanks it didn't happen here otherwise I wouldn't have met several editors from here ;)
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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by kyle_m » Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:13 pm

Castor Troy doesn't really like my videos. :ying: :evil: :nono:
ah gimme a break! I would say there are 90 percent of people in.. absolutely anywhere, who does not have tight balls enough to keep a healthy self-criticism on, and take things easily as they really are. cheers

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Nya-chan Production » Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:32 pm

Someone doesn't get sarcasm in here ^^;;;

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by kyle_m » Wed Apr 18, 2012 4:44 pm

Nya-chan Production wrote:Someone doesn't get sarcasm in here ^^;;;
sorry, in where? there is a whole lot of business not to see sarcasm in my words.. indeed..well if you were anxious bout the strip.. it was an epic film review, this strip was made of, come get some ... om-3897329

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Re: Relationships with other AMV sites

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed Apr 18, 2012 5:33 pm

kyle_m wrote:
Nya-chan Production wrote:Someone doesn't get sarcasm in here ^^;;;
sorry, in where? there is a whole lot of business not to see sarcasm in my words.. indeed..well if you were anxious bout the strip.. it was an epic film review, this strip was made of, come get some ... om-3897329

Nya meant that this

Castor Troy doesn't really like my videos. :ying: :evil: :nono:

was kind of a joke >>


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