Questionset of the week

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Kireblue » Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:38 pm

what's your favorite genre?
Fun/ Upbeat

is there a superior genre? What about an inferior genre?
absolutely not. All genres have their own merit.

are there any genres not represented by the current genre list of the org or popular conventions?
I think that the org represents all the genres, but there are still some contests that group Drama with Romance. Drama should be grouped with serious, and Romance should be grouped with sentimental.

What's the easiest genre to edit (well)? The hardest?
Romance and Sentimental are the easiest genres to work with. They typically require less cuts, but require more focus on flow and scene selection. The hardest genre is Action because it requires a lot more sync.

What's the most popular genre of each community (youtube, russia [amvnews/akross], france, org, something else)
youtube = Action
Russia = Technical / Special Effects
France = Drama
Org = Fun/ Upbeat

What's the most valuable genre, that is, what genre has the most important videos in the world of AMV.
Drama because it combines the ideals and editing styles of so many genres that it allows very unique trait to appear.

What is YOUR genre? What genre do you edit the most, or what genre are you the most in touch with when you edit it, what genre do you feel the most

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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Rendakor » Thu Mar 22, 2012 9:29 pm

what's your favorite genre?
I love sentimental stuff, or a good comedy.

is there a superior genre? What about an inferior genre?
I won't say any genre is the best, but I'm easily turned off by certain music genres used in AMVs (hai2udubstep)

are there any genres not represented by the current genre list of the org or popular conventions?
The org's got a pretty comprehensive list. Certain cons don't have certain genres but I always assumed that was due to a lack in quality/quantity of submissions in that category.

What's the easiest genre to edit (well)? The hardest?
Action AMVs are probably the hardest to do well, just because the scene is so saturated with them so to make a good action AMV you really have to work harder, use a lot of effects, etc.

What's the most popular genre of each community (youtube, russia [amvnews/akross], france, org, something else)
No idea.

What's the most valuable genre, that is, what genre has the most important videos in the world of AMV.
Not sure how to answer this either; every genre has it's fans. Even those genres I don't usually like have at least a few exceptional videos that are great to watch.

What is YOUR genre? What genre do you edit the most, or what genre are you the most in touch with when you edit it, what genre do you feel the most.
Romance/Sentimental. Not that I've made a ton of videos (2) but I tried to make an action AMV and it wasn't until the timeline was 75% full that I realized I'd made a romance one instead. -_-;;
Nya-chan Production wrote: 1) Ambient and experimental
2) Ambient and experimental ftw, action ftl
3) Ambient and experimental
5) is the best for US style trailers and some romance, Russians are the best for WTF/horror and French are the best for effectsy nonsense action. Youtube is the best for editing Naruto BallZ, obviously.
Oh, and Czechs are best for ambient and experimental, ofc :3
6) Ambient and experimental
7) Ambient and experimental
<3 :rofl:
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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Otohiko » Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:16 pm

gote wrote:what's your favorite genre?
gote wrote:is there a superior genre? What about an inferior genre?
gote wrote:are there any genres not represented by the current genre list of the org or popular conventions?
gote wrote:What's the easiest genre to edit (well)? The hardest?
gote wrote:What's the most popular genre of each community (youtube, russia [amvnews/akross], france, org, something else)
I don't care
gote wrote:What's the most valuable genre, that is, what genre has the most important videos in the world of AMV.

gote wrote:What is YOUR genre? What genre do you edit the most, or what genre are you the most in touch with when you edit it, what genre do you feel the most.
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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Fall_Child42 » Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:19 pm

Otohiko wrote:
gote wrote:what's your favorite genre?
gote wrote:is there a superior genre? What about an inferior genre?
Awesomecore, Awesomecore
gote wrote:are there any genres not represented by the current genre list of the org or popular conventions?
gote wrote:What's the easiest genre to edit (well)? The hardest?
Awesomecore, Awesomecore
gote wrote:What's the most popular genre of each community (youtube, russia [amvnews/akross], france, org, something else)
I don't care
gote wrote:What's the most valuable genre, that is, what genre has the most important videos in the world of AMV.

gote wrote:What is YOUR genre? What genre do you edit the most, or what genre are you the most in touch with when you edit it, what genre do you feel the most.

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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by gotegenks » Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:45 pm

Warlike Swans wrote: I just want to point out that you don't specify what you are talking about until question number 6.
ah dang your right

guys i meant movie genres...

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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Shin-AMV » Thu Mar 22, 2012 10:52 pm

This is where I troll and say Nostromo for everything right?

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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Ijexis » Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:40 am

Rendakor wrote: ...but I tried to make an action AMV and it wasn't until the timeline was 75% full that I realized I'd made a romance one instead. -_-;;
Haha, what?

-what's your favorite genre?
I've made it a point in my life not to label anything as my "favorite" only as "one of". That being said, I can't really decide.

-is there a superior genre? What about an inferior genre?
Lol wut?

-are there any genres not represented by the current genre list of the org or popular conventions?
I have no clue...maybe?

-What's the easiest genre to edit (well)? The hardest?
For me, personally? No idea.

-What's the most popular genre of each community (youtube, russia [amvnews/akross], france, org, something else)
Japanese, MADs, enough said.

What's the most valuable genre, that is, what genre has the most important videos in the world of AMV.

-What is YOUR genre? What genre do you edit the most, or what genre are you the most in touch with when you edit it, what genre do you feel the most.

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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Nya-chan Production » Fri Mar 23, 2012 1:54 am

Warlike Swans wrote:I wish more cons had "off-beat/other" categories, because weird AMVs need homes too.
Ijexis wrote:
Rendakor wrote: ...but I tried to make an action AMV and it wasn't until the timeline was 75% full that I realized I'd made a romance one instead. -_-;;
Haha, what?
Happens to me aaaall the time~

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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by Rendakor » Fri Mar 23, 2012 9:54 am

Nya-chan Production wrote:
Ijexis wrote:
Rendakor wrote: ...but I tried to make an action AMV and it wasn't until the timeline was 75% full that I realized I'd made a romance one instead. -_-;;
Haha, what?
Happens to me aaaall the time~
The idea was to set fight scenes to the song's chorus, and I somehow filled in the verses with romance. WELP.

Edit: fixed a quote tag
Last edited by Rendakor on Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Questionset of the week

Post by TritioAFB » Fri Mar 23, 2012 11:05 am

gote wrote:what's your favorite genre?

is there a superior genre? What about an inferior genre?

are there any genres not represented by the current genre list of the org or popular conventions?

What's the easiest genre to edit (well)? The hardest?

What's the most popular genre of each community (youtube, russia [amvnews/akross], france, org, something else)

What's the most valuable genre, that is, what genre has the most important videos in the world of AMV.

What is YOUR genre? What genre do you edit the most, or what genre are you the most in touch with when you edit it, what genre do you feel the most.
1. At my case I like Drama

2. There's no such thing. What we have is that some genres tends to get more attention than others, but superior, inferior, nah

3. Yes, The Underground Genre, that it's not the same as the Adult Genre

4. That's too subjective. Everybody will point differents genres. But in my experience, the Drama fits me well, but again, it's because the one I edit the most, nor too mention the Dance or Psychedelic as the Hardest.

5. Since seems none of my russian buddies will comment, about Russia:

The popular genre is the Psychedelic. As far as the critics tends to go very detailed in this genre, nor to mention that they are always the preferred ones. The other ones are the effects ones, but this will depend of how good the execution is, rather than the effects or the genre itself.
France, I guess I'll leave that to MimS. YouTube, the ones with catchy music.

6. Action, in my opinion. But all the genres are valuable.

7. I said it: Drama, but it's true that I prefer also the Character Profile. Those made my day :up:
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