Wondering what anime can go with Fade To Grey by Visage
- Joined: Sun Dec 19, 2010 5:45 pm
Wondering what anime can go with Fade To Grey by Visage
I'm very fascinated by this song. It was never a hit over here in North America, but it was a big hit in other countries like England, France, Germany and various others. Very eerie synth sound, and the chorus has a scary voice saying "We fade to grey!". I'm wondering if there is an anime that could go with it.
I can't stand weeaboos and people who keep badmouthing dubbed anime and say it sucks.
- Joined: Sun Apr 08, 2012 5:02 am
Re: Wondering what anime can go with Fade To Grey by Visage
Le Chevalier D'Eon is the only one coming to mind, mainly due to all of the French-sounding lyrics.