Questionset of the Second Week.

General discussion of Anime Music Videos
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Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by gotegenks » Sat Mar 31, 2012 10:37 pm

what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?

What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?

you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?

Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?

What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?

What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)

Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?

So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?

if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?

which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?

What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?

on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?

(all but one of these questions are about anime music videos. MODs, if this is the wrong section, feel free to move this topic)

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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by LantisEscudo » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:22 am

gote wrote:what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?

What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
A known anime and an unknown song would probably appeal to me a bit more than an unknown anime and known song, because I know the storyline behind the source and can see how the editor has adapted or reinterpreted it. However, I've seen both types over the years, and my DVD and CD racks are full of things to prove it.
gote wrote:you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
Popularity doesn't always equal good, or even whether the "fame" will last. I remember one video that got narrowly beaten out in its category at a convention several years ago by a fanboy/fangirl vote. Several years later, the winning video has been completely forgotten, but the one that got beaten out still gets played frequently in AMV rooms at conventions. My response to "popular == good" claims is pretty much to ignore the claims and focus on the work they produce. Views and subscribers are statistics. Everyone's tastes are different, if you don't like what they make, find someone else who makes what you like.
gote wrote:Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
Neither. My favorite videos are the ones that execute their concepts well. Some of them, I've never even seen the source from. The editing style is really determined by what the concept requires, be it a no-effects simple video or an insane techstravaganza.
gote wrote:What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
It depends on my mood which I'd prefer. I like well-done videos to shows I love, and I like well-done videos that give me something new I may want to watch.
gote wrote:What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
Probably using music I like effectively. A well-edited video to music I don't like will get acknowledged as such, but I won't rewatch it very often. Videos to music I'm indifferent on, though, can get me to enjoy those songs as well.
gote wrote:Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
I don't think anyone is able to judge completely objectively; there's always some level of personal preference that comes into play. But as a group, probably convention judges are the most objective of that list. They've been chosen because they've demonstrated a decent amount of objectivity and if the coordinator is doing his or her job, the judges will balance each other out on their biases.
gote wrote:So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?

if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
I edit primarily for myself. I edit the combinations I want to and as the ideas strike, and hopefully other people will enjoy what I've put together. Beta testers and critics have a voice, but at the end of the day, I decide what goes into the video and no one else. I'll seriously consider what beta testers and critics have to say, especially about technical issues or possible scene choices, and I've taken many suggestions that people have made to make my videos flow better or be clearer, but none of the people I've shown my pre-release videos to has had veto power over my work.
gote wrote:which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
For me, it's the idea executed well that has more significance. If the vet-recommended video is an example of something technical, but doesn't execute its core idea well, and the 3 million view video does, I'll take the views. If the views video is just flash and dazzle with no substance, and the vets' video tells a story well, I'll take the vets.
gote wrote:What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
As above, I want to execute my ideas well. If "only" scrubs are liking it, I probably haven't done it right. If other editors are pointing it out as an example, I probably have.
gote wrote:on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
Is 1 high or low? To be fair, I'll say 5.

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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by pacotacoshell » Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:34 am

what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?
For con audiences, I think it's more of if they can relate to the video (by knowing the song, anime, etc)

What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
I think it would probably be song choice. Take Shin's Safety Dance for instance; yes, the editing is on point and awesome, but I think the fact that audiences all know the song and sing along to it make that video one of the audiences' favorites.

you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
I don't really compare sub/view counts with how good of an editor you are. I have more of an understanding that people with a lot of subs are more of editors that are popular with audiences and do really well in conventions. There are a ton of really awesome editors that don't get much attention as others do, which is kind of sad.

Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
Hmmm, well my favorite video would have to be the one with the best concept....The editing isn't all crazy and effects heavy, but the idea behind this whole video is just awesome, to me. It's a plus that the source is a really awesome movie that I'm sure everyone knows of. I might as well share the video here. xD

What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
It really depends on the concept. If I've seen a 10 other videos with this same anime in the past week, and the concept doesn't blow me away, then I probably won't like it. The plus side with using an anime I've never seen before is that you can retell the story that was in the anime, and it would still feel new and fresh. So I think using an anime that isn't known to a lot of people is kind of an advantage in a way that your concept doesn't need to be as complicated as the former to be as good.

What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
I think I would enjoy the former more. The second video may be edited great and all, but if my ears bleed midway, then we have a problem.

Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
Org viewers and convention judges.

So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?
I think my video tells you how much I care about what other people think, lol. When it comes to my more serious videos, yes. I take a lot of things in. I never do what I don't want to do, though. If a beta tester tells me something would look nice in my video, but I disagree and think it would look terrible, then I won't do it.

if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
I think the only time I ever pandered to an audience would be adding a shirtless Kyon scene just for the fanservice. :l I didn't really want to do it, but I knew the (female) audience would go crazy so I just did it.

which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
It depends on who your audience is. If you're editing to an audience of editors, then it would be best to follow the latter. But if you're just trying to appeal to the general masses, then taking some things from the 3 million views video would be a better choice.

What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
.....This is a pretty obvious question.

on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
I would say 11 and a half, just to be safe.

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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by Nya-chan Production » Sun Apr 01, 2012 8:14 am

gote wrote:what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?
gote wrote:What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
I'd say both the same for me. But I suppose at many cons you'll see that favorite anime prevails. Especially for fangirls...
gote wrote:you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
People. Are. Stupid. For lots of them their fav song + their fav anime = most epic video in the world. What if it has subs, logo and is so pixelated that no-one who hasn't seen the series before can't tell the source. It'll still tickle their fancy and they will claim you're the best editor out there - until they get new fav singer or anime ;x
Just be careful around such people. That's all.
gote wrote:Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
Both. I edit only with my favorite anime and songs ;>
gote wrote:What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
Both equally, I'd say. The former just pleases my nostalgy counter, the latter gives me some new sources to use~
gote wrote:What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
The former. I just can't really get over a music I hate (but there's not much of such music, really)
gote wrote:Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
godix was the best judge. Ever. We all know why :<
But other than that? Probably con judges if they are carefully picked and mixed.
gote wrote:So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?
I accept a bit from the beta-testers, but if it's something I really like or think that doesn't need changing... HAHAHA, SCREW YOU!
Also, I edit what I want to what I want. Eat that, Shinkai haters!
gote wrote:if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
Sometimes I'd like to pander. I always fail. orz
gote wrote:which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
The former in this case. If someone points me to a video and says "do it like this" then I feel really bad for that person - mainly because in my opinion it kills creativity.
gote wrote:What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
The latter. Anytime.
gote wrote:on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
It's over nine thousand?

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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by TritioAFB » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:08 am

what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?
Think about the audience as Normal people that don't make AMVs, and that are not accostumed to edition.
If I'm a fan of Bleach for example, I will probably like a Bleach video than a Dance. Or you used my favorite song for example. I noticed this tendecy in the anime fests hosted in my city, where the videos with concept didn't get the attention I thought they were going to get.
But AMVers are different. At my case, I will be interested in seeing something new and fresh than something that has been made for several years.
What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
Well that goes with everybody's tastes. But the answer is: The Best video that manages to show the best performance is the clue
you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
I have gained a lot of enemies because I'm not going to go to YouTube praising. I already mentioned them in my comments:
Don't expect flowers from me. I'm an AMV Critic, so the word Awesome doesn't exist in my vocabulary because I don't believe in the Perfect AMV.
About the first sentence, that's a childish thought. Suscribiers will never say anything about your level of edition, nor that it won't help you learn new techniques of edition. But seems the Ego of those guys is so big that they will never come outside of YouTube. I still remember once saying: "If you want to prove me wrong, follow me to AKROSS Con and win it. Then I'll recognize you as a skilled editor"
Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
My favorite video is Jihaku. And even after several years it's still the same one. But this is a multi anime video, so the premise about my favorite anime is not applicable because I haven't watched the half of the videos there :sweat:
Nor the song, it's a good song but I don't listen it too much.

The reason why I consider it different to other videos is because not many people has watched 'The other face of the Coin' about Jihaku.
Jihaku has a feeling not other videos have, even when I follow Drama videos, I haven't gotten that feeling that Jihaku has
What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
I prefer innovation. I'm at favor with the second option.
I tend to enjoy them more
What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
Well I say that is always a nice surprise to find videos with sources I don't like but still manage to make me feel something. That says a lot because I don't go easily there.
But as I said, it's rather the performance and execution the clue than the sources themselves
Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
Chuck Norris, Dr Goku and Batman are the best judges. :bear:

So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?
The purpose of the giving feedback/betatesting is to help the video improve in many ways, that is the video is waiting premiere.
It's true that you should always edit whatever you like. That's the basic concept behind the AMV. If you don't love the hobby, then you can't make other people love your creation. Because a video is a reflection to the soul of the AMVer, so how do you feel when you make the video is reflected there.
if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
I tend to take ALL the suggestions. Problems comes when they want me to make an effect I dunno how to make it or change the scenes, and the scenes they suggested don't exist. I recommend betatesting if you have never tried it. It's a good way to realize where you need to focus in amvs.
which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
Well I just like the best video, that's all. No matter how much views it might have
What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
I don't care about the views, I just keep making the videos, and if the people uses them as examples that really says a lot about the video itself.
on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
He will get a 7 from me :twisted:
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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by irriadin » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:23 am

gote wrote:what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?
Critical reception is focused much more on technique, while public reception seems to be heavily swayed by mood and your source video / audio combination.
gote wrote:What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
As for public reception, a known anime choice with an unknown song is more likely to be popular than the inverse. For me, personally, I am equally likely to enjoy either one.
gote wrote:you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
I think you lost a paragraph or something, because I am not 100% sure I know what you're talking about. Probably talking about YouTube editors that take Naruto and pump it full of gritty overlays, pan + zoom + blur, and TWITCH the FUCK out of it. I don't agree that more subscribers / views means you're a better editor than one with less. It just means that you're more popular. Popularity has never been a perfect indication of quality, I mean, just look at popular culture. Nickelback is really popular, does that mean it's really good?
gote wrote:Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
My favorite video () is something that I love for historical purposes and the fact that it essentially pioneered the "effects-heavy" style while also being well edited. It also happened to use my favorite song by Celldweller and combine it perfectly with Death Note.

gote wrote:What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
I love it when I see a video that either uses a song I'd never heard before or an anime, and it interests me enough to check out the source.
gote wrote:What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
I like them equally, though I have more respect for the amv editor that makes me like their video despite using something like Katy Perry.
gote wrote:Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
Me, of course. DUH! :P
gote wrote:So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?
Good question. I typically either start with an anime or a song, and try to find the alternate source that fits it best. I have to admit, I *do* think about audience perception to a degree, but it never affects my outcome in the end. I listen to my beta-testers while making my video; they're there to make sure I don't wind up doing something dumb.
gote wrote:if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
I have no idea who in their right mind would edit with an anime AND song that they don't really love. It would end up showing in their video, and that would make it a waste of time for everyone involved.

gote wrote:which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
Both! Well, if I had to pick one, probably the latter.

gote wrote:What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
The latter. Though 3 million views + that would be best.

gote wrote:on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?

(all but one of these questions are about anime music videos. MODs, if this is the wrong section, feel free to move this topic)
Exactly 40 billions.

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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by Rendakor » Sun Apr 01, 2012 9:03 pm

gote wrote:what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?
Public reception is 80% source selection. Use popular anime/music, receive popular AMV. Critical reception is mostly about how well you edited; what effects you used (and how well they fit), etc.
gote wrote:What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
Publicly, having a known anime seems to be more popular than having a known song. Personally, song selection matters more to me. Unknown anime just gives me something else to watch.
gote wrote:you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
Lots of views != editing skill
gote wrote:Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
All of my favorites are just videos that are well edited, period. I've seen tons of amazing AMVs with shows I've never seen or songs that I don't listen to, and plenty of mediocre ones with great song or anime selection that just weren't edited well.
gote wrote:What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
I love seeing unknown anime in AMVs; it's my favorite way to find new shows to watch. (Currently watching K-ON! because of )
gote wrote:What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
As much as I love a good vid set to familiar music, I'm going to have to go with the latter. One of the videos that got me wanting to make AMVs is using some awful pop song AMAZINGLY well.
gote wrote:Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
Org viewers are probably the most objective, with con judges a close second.
gote wrote:So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?
Well, my source choice is all up to me; when I have a general idea of a song/anime combo that's how I get started with no concern for how popular either are. Once I start working I'm pretty open to criticism (as you should know gote ~_^) because I realize I'm new at this. I listen to those with more experience than I, and am more than willing to tweak things based on beta feedback. It's only if I'm really set on a scene that negative feedback won't get me to change it (or if the feedback is just "that sucks" and I've got no idea how to make it suck less -_-;;).
gote wrote:which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
This is a tough question; most of the videos I've watched to "do it like this" I've only watched to see Special_Effect_X or whatever, without actually watching and enjoying the video, and so these feel like glorified tutorial videos. So I think I'll go with the good video that everyone enjoys here.
gote wrote:What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
I'd rather make the video well respected by the elite few.
gote wrote:on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by Taite » Mon Apr 02, 2012 6:14 pm

I agree with irriadin on a lot of the points. However...:

you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
Well, typically those people are the ones who can't accept criticism either, and so instead of arguing with them about it, I just leave them alone. I don't agree with that concept either-- just because something is popular doesn't mean it's good by any means; take Twilight for example (:

Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
Neither. My favorite video(s) (The Air In My Lungs being one of them) have a lot to do with 1) motion/impact, and 2) atmosphere, which is what I base my entire editing around (the two most important factors in an amv, imo). All of the videos I enjoy the most have a flawless atmosphere, whether it be comedic/serious/romantic/etc., and the impact is a direct result of motion in the clips, meaning that typically my favorite videos are raw, but not always.
But anyhoo, I suppose you could say that makes them the most well-edited, even if they're really damn simple, rather than a video with my favorite song/anime, as none of my favorite amvs are.

What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
I'm not going to be one of those stupid people who only like amvs that use underground sources; just cuz it uses some underused/unexposed anime, doesn't mean it's good. If it's edited well enough to have me interested in the anime, then I'll like it, or if it has a story that I can see even though I haven't seen the anime, then I'll like it. But typically I'll go for a video that uses an anime I've seen, unless it has one of those two previous things I mentioned.

Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
I don't know enough about conventions and who judges the contests to say that, and the audiences are always shitty-biased, no offense :| So definitely no to those, and to the youtube/org viewers, and so on. Since everyone is going to have different opinions, the best judge comes down to yourself, because that's all you really should care about.

So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?
I edit for myself, but in a weird way, in that I always edit whatever I want, but I edit for an audience. My main goal at the end of the day is to entertain someone with my videos, not so much myself, but I think that's the reason why I have a block :roll:

I always edit whatever anime/songs I want, even if it's gunna be that song from Skittles. But those videos I never take seriously and I typically hate amvs that use songs from other really good amvs too, but every amv is different.

I never have anyone ever beta test my videos, ever, unless I'm in a collab or MEP, in which I'm forced to work together with others, in which case I think beta testing is essential.
But the only time I ever accept criticism is after I'm done making my video completely, and it's up on the org or youtube. Beta testing, which I am more than glad to do for anyone and I always take very seriously, is not something I want for myself, however. It completely ruins my "vision" for my amv, and it irritates the crap out of me hearing people's opinions on my videos before they're done. After it's done, however, I want and love it.

And I think The Air I Breathe was definitely a bit pandering, though it wasn't entirely on purpose. I was just incredibly bored, and I typically get the most inspiration by editing stuff that's easy, which is all the overused stuff, so as a result, I got a very convention-like amv.

which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
Both. And though I think I veteran editor is a great person to have as a mentor, you shouldn't blindly accept what they say is good; you need to be able to make your own judgement calls too.

What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
Oh, definitely the 10k stuff. While I'm glad if a lot of people enjoy my amvs (and 10k is a lot too, wth), I really like getting positive feedback from editors I respect, as that's the total self-esteem boost.

on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
1. I love everybody.
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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by Diegao » Tue Apr 03, 2012 3:39 am

what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?

What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
Both, it doesn't matter if I know or not the song, as long as I like it. And the anime choice doesn't influence me. But, in the case the video isn't edited very well, I'd prefer the one with the unknown song, because for my favourite song I want a good editing.
you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
Normally I avoid discussions like this, sometimes I just explain why I don't agree with this mentality, but I'm usually ignored or insulted.
Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
My favourite video is just a video with a great/original combination of anime and song, with a good concept and well edited. Anyway depends a lot of my tastes.
What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
Like LantisEscudo said:
LantisEscudo wrote:It depends on my mood which I'd prefer. I like well-done videos to shows I love, and I like well-done videos that give me something new I may want to watch.
What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
I usually prefer videos which manage to make me glad a "bad" song, but videos with a song I love will always have one point more.
Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
My mom of course. She always says that I've done a good work.
But probably convention judges are more.. competent.
So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?

if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
I edit because I like it, so I always edit what I want. In the technical aspect I usually take note of the various advices which betatesters give me and then I decide if modify my video or not.
which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
I just prefer the best one.
What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
No matter about the views, I'd rather make a video which good editors admire.
on a scale from 1-10 how annoying is the guy posting below you?
1, she loves everybody!

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Re: Questionset of the Second Week.

Post by Radical_Yue » Tue Apr 03, 2012 7:04 pm

gote wrote:what factors outside of the actual editing or concept factor into critical and/or public reception?
I'm going to echo a couple others here and say that public reception primarily relies on source selection. Hearing/seeing fans go wild at title cards with sources listed or the opening of a Lady Gaga song and then listening to crickets chirp when an unknown source or a non-popular song begins is a rather sad experience.

Critical reception...I'd really say it depends who your critics are. Editor-wise, people are seeming to judge videos by their technical merit and ignore concept. Not all together, but they do favor technical quite a bit.
Judges con-wise seem to look more at the concept as opposed to the technical aspect, primarily due to the fact that they're not as familiar with the magic of AE and how easy it is to make things look shiny.
Ideally, the best method of judging is to look at both the concept and technical and how they work together but this is not a regularly practiced form of criticism.

What has more of an effect on a video's public reception: song choice or anime choice? For example, you have video A that uses a neverbeforeseen anime with your favorite song, and video B that uses a neverbeforeheard song with your favorite anime, both of the unknown sources are equally likable to you, which video would you probably prefer or have a better chance of enjoying?
With the general public, seeing their favorite anime seems to get a better rise out of them. They don't care what the anime or audio source is as long as Ed from Full Metal Alchemist is lip syncing it.

Me personally? I think it's always fun to see your favorite anime source done justice with an interesting song that you've never heard before. But as of late I seem to be favoring new sources with familiar audio....I think I'm just tired of seeing the same scenes over and over again, so when someone uses something new and they do it in a creative way it definitely piques my interest. I mean, how many times can that chick from Bakemonogatari fall down in AMVs anyways?

you all know those videos that really suck (in our opinions anyway) but everybody ever loves it to death. Some of the creators of these videos with less humility than most assert that the amount of likes and comments is a good measure of how good the video is. We all know youtube views are bologna, but why? What's your response when people claim lots of subscribers and views mean you're a good editor, or do you just agree with them?
As for the "more is better" ideal, that seems to just be something of a trend with the current generation. The more facebook friends, twitter followers, the more apple iproducts, etc...the better of a person you supposedly are. Do I agree with this ideal? No.

As for why the masses flock to them, look at other types of media. Movies, music, etc... As Nya stated, people are stupid. The general public on a whole is painful. If Twilight and Justin Bieber can be popular then why can't the video with dancing anime gifs set to "Evacuate The Dancefloor" be popular too? The quality is just the same and it entertains. I'm not saying that this is right, but it's true.

Is your favorite video the video you believe is the most well-edited (out of what you've seen), or is it the video with your favorite anime and/or a song you love, or both?
I don't think I have a single favorite video. I have a list of favorites with the common feature being good editing. I could really care less about the sources as long as it's well done and the concept makes sense. I mean hell, a couple of my favorite videos are

What tickles your fancy more in a video, when they use an anime you know and love that is used a fair bit in videos, or an anime of equal visual quality that you've never ever seen before at all (not even trailers)?
Neither. A good video is a good video.
What floats your boat the most in a video, when they use music that you love effectively, or when they use music you hate and effectively make you love the video in spite of the bad music?
(This isn't to say that you think the latter video is better than the former, this is to say that it makes you LOVE the latter video to where you wanna watch it more than the former. I know plenty of videos that i think have way better editing than videos i love and yet i hate watching them because i hate the song and/or anime, but i know plenty of videos that have a song or anime i hate that i love more than videos with sources i love!)
I don't really hate any kind of music but I suppose I enjoy seeing music I like in a video but even if the audio isn't "ZOMG MY FAVORITE SONG" that doesn't mean I'll hate on it just due to the fact that it's not #1 on my playlist.
Who are the best judges when it comes to deciding what video out of 2 or more is better objectively: Youtube viewers, Org viewers, convention judges, convention audiences, your own favorite editor, you yourself, your mom, your dog, eimij7, me, jesus, (insert custom answer(s) here)?
If it's for a con...
A panel of convention judges with at least 2 org editors mixed in. As long as the judges don't have their heads up their asses, the org editors point out what is considered hard work and what is a cheap rip off and the judges vote pretty fairly. All of the involved parties need to realize that their personal preferences do not matter. This can occasionally be a problem for the convention judges but they are easily replaceable.

If it's just, say a regular org contest...
The org editors obviously. Once more, you need some unbiased ones but by simply observing the community it's rather easy to pick out which members have this capability and which don't.
So most people hold they belief that they edit primarily for themselves, which to me seems like the only logical stance (though i'd love to hear support for another) because as far as i know you can't make a living at AMVs (at least not a comfortable one), so if you hold that belief as well, what exactly does that mean to you? Do you edit the songs and animes you want to without considering what anybody else will think? Do you do whatever the fuck you want in your video and don't give a shit what beta testers and critics say? How much outside influence do you consciously take and accept when it comes to your videos? Have you ever pandered in the slightest, in any way, shape, or form? if so, how?

if you don't hold the above belief, what do you believe, then? Do you pander wholeheartedly to any given audience? Do you pick out of a hat what animes or music to edit, whether you want to or not? do you take suggestions by beta testers blindly even if you don't (or wouldn't) agree with them?
I primarily (99.9%) edit with sources that I like or have some kind of attachment to. I don't really "make them for myself" as much as I make them as types of tributes.
When I watch anime, I latch on to characters or concepts more than pretty footage or neat action. Hence why a decent amount of my videos are character profiles. :P The couple times that my video is motivated by the song I'll hunt down sources that I think may fit it and watch them. If I don't think the source is good enough, even if it would fit the song perfectly as I had first envisioned, I shelve the song and wait until there is something more "worthy" of it.

As for the beta testing portion, I have a few select beta testers that I actually ask for advice. It's just about impossible to get decent feedback by just sending it to friends because you'll just get "I like it! :D" or " :up:" :/ All of the feedback I receive, I take to heart. While making AMVs is a great hobby and "make what you want" and yadda yadda, I want to get better at what I do. Yes it's a hobby, but what's wrong with getting better? If you take up go-kart racing as a hobby, do you want to keep crashing into walls or do you want to win races against your friends? If you build birdhouses for a hobby, do you want them to look like piles of wood and splinters or something a bird would be happy to call home? It's fun for me and it helps me with my goal of making a good "dedication" to something I enjoy. I want to try harder and get better because I love what I do. So beta testers, BRING ON THE FIRE! :D

Although, I have some issues so I basically give up by the end of my editing so I don't like any of my videos. My flaws are obvious but I give up too early to keep trying, this is something I primarily blame on my depression but meh, excuses :P Although, it's always nice to hear someone else likes my videos I don't take a lot of joy from it. "Great that you like it but I think it's total shit."

which video holds more value or significance, the 3 million views video that everyone knows and loves (and is well edited, not just a crap video) or the video that all the vets point you towards and say "do it like this" ?
If it's well edited, who is to say that the vet isn't pointing towards it? This question is a bit convoluted.
What kind of video would you rather make, a 3 million views video that only scrubs gush over, or a 10k views video that good editors look to as an example and admire?
That's easy, the less viewed video. I don't care if it only has 10 views as long as it's incredibly well done.

-- Side note, you may want to lay these questions out a bit better next time. Capitalization, organization and all that :P It looks better.


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