Disclaimer: These interviews are not associated with A-M-V.org or its administration. The Lip Flapper is not meant for use outside of Earth's orbit. Such uses may result in shark-related injuries.
Welcome to the Lip Flapper! Each week, we delve deep into the community and get a look into both individual members as well as group discussions on various issues that surround our hobby.
This Week in "The Lip Flapper"
This week, we speak with Fall_Child42 and actually get to Kazemon15's AMV review!
Interview Spotlight
If you've even remotely had your head in AMVs, you will likely be aware that Fall_Child42 is the master of comedy, voice acting and all sorts of silly/funny things that make our community laugh. Oh, and all the bronies are likely to know him as the Project Coordinator behind PONIES : The Anthology.
The Interview
Q: Thank you very much for being with me today Fall_Child42. How about we begin with you introducing yourself, letting us know a little bit about yourself and telling us what your favorite AMV is?
The year was 2142, 2 years after the greatest war, 12 years after the pretty good war, and 35 years after the incredibly-mediocre war, which consisted mainly of drunken insults and the waving of sticks.
Japan was the only nation that survived the war intact. 5 years prior they had shrouded themselves in an impenetrable Papier-mâché dome made from recycled Akira Toriyama manga. Much like a brand new sleeping bag, once Japan opened there was no way they were ever going to fit back into their original package. In two short years Japanese culture spread to the far corners of the globe.
It's 2:30 AM in post apocalyptic southern Ontario, renamed Neo-Tokyontario by it's new residents. A grizzled man walks down Lakeshore Blvd bathed in the reds and blues of neon signs. A frigid mist hangs over the city of Neo-Tokyoronto. Single drops of rain begin to pelt the man's tattered and soiled raincoat. He hunches over and there is a sudden burst of light as a flame ignites the tip of his Haruhi brand cigarette. This is a man that has seen more than one man should ever see and yet something about this night unnerves him. This is not a normal night in Neo-Tokyoronto. The faces of people are colder, the neon signs don't shine quite so bright and despite the activity surrounding him everything is eerily silent. The normal sounds of the city are gone, all he hears are his own dress shoes hitting the LCD sidewalk.
A Baby's cry pierces the night air. Fatherless. Perhaps a bastard child.
I was that baby.
Laying in an empty bowl on the counter of an all night ramen stand, I was traded for an extra large order of pork udon. The Ramen stand owner had a special on that day, extra large udon, $5.99 or one baby. My new parent, Yamamoto, was a cruel master. I was whipped mercilessly until I learned all of the specials.
Tuesday, Beef Ramen, $6.99
Wednesday, Curry Rice, $8.99
Thursday, XL Udon, $5.99 or one baby.
He also demanded I sing Enka to all of the customers and was pelted with naruto every time I did not make apt analogies. “YOUR ANALOGIES ARE NOT APT ENOUGH!” he would scream at me. His words cascading down my young face along with the bits of spittle and fried chicken that were simultaneously ejected from his horrendous maw.
For 14 years I suffered under the tyrannical rule of Yamamoto the cruel Ramen slinger. I had had enough. While he slept I murdered him with a pair of Hello Kitty chopsticks. I was free.
I survived on the streets. I was invisible but not deaf. I heard things. Things from people. The types of people that hang out in the seedy back alleys of Neo-Tokyoronto. The Triads seem to have gotten their hands on something. A device that would let me escape this horrible place. I waited until the right moment and I snuck into the basement of the Royal Bank of Canada financial institution and pachinko parlour. There it was. I don't know how those triads had done it, but they were in possession of a 3 foot tall robotic Nikolai Tesla. The mini-robo Tesla had set to work early creating a time machine. I have no idea what the triads were planning but I knew what I wanted to do. I set it to 1998 jumped in and was transported back to Ontario in its perfect state.
Here I was, in old primitive Ontario. It was confusing. The air was clean, the signs were in English and some other indecipherable language, people were smiling. I need to feel at home. I needed a place where I belonged. A place that reminded me of my Neo-Tokyontario dystopian home-time. I went to Anime North.
This is where I saw my first AMV contest. People were cheering, smiling, laughing. These are sounds I am not accustomed to. I liked them. I wanted to make people make these noises.
And that is how I got into AMVs.
My Favourite AMV is probably the one I show the most during my AMV panels and showcases.
It would be MAMA by Otohiko.
I love it for a couple of reasons.
A: It's so out there, well synched, and bizarre it makes me laugh.
B: Otohiko later showed me the movie that the audio came from which I quickly became a fan of. So that just made the video better for me.
C: AWA. McWagner walked up to me during one of my panels and asked how long MAMA was. I told him it was a little over 4 minutes. He responded “You really hate these people don't you.”
Q: One of the most notable things that you're known for is comedy videos and just basic hilarity in everything that you do. In fact, you've made an AMV about making comedy AMVs! What makes you enjoy comedy so much?
Sometimes I take humor seriously. Sometimes I take seriousness humorously. Either way it is irrelevant.
- Mal2
I think I will answer this question by describing my thoughts in a series of limericks.
Poem #1 Why I started making comedy AMVs (an ode to a code[monkey])
There once was an editor named Tim
with his funny videos he did win.
The crowd that I saw
laughed with hearty guffaws
So I wished I could be just like Him.
Poem #2 Is there anyone that doesn't like comedy?
Richard Noggin believed jokes are dead.
'Laughter is only for for chumps' he said.
'But Richard', said I
'we should laugh, not cry!
So stop being such a huge dickhead.'
Poem #3 Seriously Non-dirty limericks just aren’t funny. Fnord.
Sometimes my friends feel down
and that also gives me a frown.
If I make them smile
for a little while
That makes me the happiest guy in town.
Poem #4 A non-sequitur because the serious Limericks are not very good.
There was a young man at the fair
Who tried to have sex with a bear
when the mean, nasty brute
took a swipe at his root
and left nothing but testes and hair.
Q: Is there anything you'd like to say to potential comedic editors as advice on how to best execute their ideas?
In order to answer this question I must first ask “what is comedy?”
I simply don't know.
I think I know but in reality nobody knows anything and everything is true.
So what I might find funny, you might not find funny. Does that mean my knowledge of what comedy is is better than yours? No. It simply means it's different.
If you define comedy as specifically using your left foot to crush a vintage 1984 Pepsi can that is equally as true as my assertion that comedy is what makes me laugh.
What were we talking about again? Does it matter? Is it matter? Is this making you madder? Matter matters often make mad matters madder.
I would say, figure out what makes you laugh, what amuses you, and often you'll find other people find it funny as well. Failing that, you could always try lip synching.
Q: Ok, as a personal inquiry, you seem to be the person behind the years of the

You forgot Pirate.
It's Pirate, Dinosaur, Shark, Bear.
The year of the bear is turning out great already.
Look at this anime!
http://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2 ... cafe-anime
It's coming out this April!
DokiDoki is the one that added the emoticons to the org, I am not responsible for them at all. (But he always picks good ones!)
I'm not sure why people assume I have any control over it. Every year they are like “Why didn't you choose this, or what about this?”
I just get the information and pass it along. Though it's really good to see people are adopting it quite readily!
I think just for you Code I will draw a combination of all year's spirits up to this point.

I'm pretty sure that's the best thing I have ever drawn.
Q: You seem to bring about a lot of voice-acting related works. CDVV on Tape, Lawl and Order, etc. Is there something about the spoken voice that you enjoy using?
Q: Speaking outside of the anime world, you were the coordinator behind the MLP:FIM project known as "The Anthology", as well as having edited an AMV using MLP:FIM audio. What is it about MLP:FIM that you enjoy the most, and what inspired you to begin work on such a project?
I like the show because it makes me smile and laugh. That's all. Simple Really. I made a music video to it for the same reasons I make other music videos, I really like the show and wanted to make something using the skills I had. There was a huge amount of really cool fan content coming out at the time and I just wanted to contribute.
PONIES: The Anthology was really just 100% stolen from Zarxrax. I'm a master thief and I think Zarx is none the wiser. I can tell you it was not easy stealing this concept from him though. I don't know if you are aware, but Zarx lives in a house
on an aircraft carrier,
in a castle,
in an active volcano.
Getting to his room while he slumbered was difficult enough. Among other things, I had to: collect the 6 sacred crystals of G'orlaak, traverse the maze of ultimate doom, win a game of four dimensional go against death himself, fend off Zarx's hordes of trained attack geese, Sit down for a pleasant cup of tea with a woman named Ethal, and finally, return the 6 sacred crystals of G'orlaak.
When I got home and I was making my second music video and suddenly said to the other guys on skype “Hey guys you want to make an AMV Hell with ponies?”
They said yes.
(not for publication in the lip flapper)
Q: Care to share a little information behind "The Anthology II", and what we might we expect to see? It is AT LEAST 20% cooler?
On PONIES: the Anthology II
On PONIES: the Anthology II
A complete embrace of the pretentious. From their perspective it's all or nothing.
-Oscar Wilde
On PONIES: the Anthology II
We have tons of cool and talented people working on it, and huge amounts of custom content. I think people will really enjoy it.
On PONIES: The Anthology II
Anthology is a cat that says funny things.
-Roger Ebert.
On PONIES: The Anthology
Q: You've been around the community for a long time. What do you think of it today as compared to when you first started?
Think of the community like a balloon. When I joined it was all bright and colourful and shiny and new. I had never been around a balloon this big and spectacular before. But before long the balloon was not new to me, and while the novelty had worn off I became very familiar with it. I like having it around. Sadly air does not want to stay in a balloon and often escapes. So the balloon began to shrink. The air went off to do other things, some of it even fills up other very similar balloons. But even though my balloon is smaller I still really like the balloon. Maybe we can add more air into it? We can't use helium though. Helium is needed for very important scientific experiments and much of the supply is dwindling due to it's frivolous use in party balloons.
Q: Well thank you very much for joining me today. How about we end up this interview with you giving some advice to someone that might want to get involved in the AMV hobby?
That sounds like an excellent idea!
Oh you wanted me to actually do it.
Well here are some tips.
It's nice to be important but it's more important to be nice! (KUT)
Do what you want, and have some fun doing it! If you have fun, your audience will too.
Take your friends to parties, but don't let parties take your friends.
Be good, drink milk, and think of Russia.
Monthly Calendar
April 2: Fall_Child42 Review
April 9: Effects Panel
April 16: GuntherAMVs Review
April 23: Unconfirmed
Past Interviews/Discussions
Check the Main Thread for all relevant information about future Lip Flappers, as well as past/future interviews!
Next Time on "The Lip Flapper"
Next week, we have a lovely panel of editors who are going to talk with us all about visual effects!