good Youtube-only AMVs?

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by gotegenks » Wed Apr 04, 2012 6:59 pm

i don't think you wanna start that debate...

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:07 pm

gote wrote: maybe if we allowed youtube links in place of the convoluted upload process..... >>

The upload system is old but it's not impossible. :/ If 14 year old me who used to think that subtitles were A GOOD thing can figure it out, the average youtuber can.

Besides, there are plenty of guides and such. It's just a lazy excuse at this point.

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by gotegenks » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:11 pm

Radical_Yue wrote:If 14 year old me who used to think that subtitles were A GOOD thing can figure it out, the average youtuber can.
you either have a higher opinion of youtubers than most around here, or you don't have a very high opinion about yourself...

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:13 pm

gote wrote:
Radical_Yue wrote:If 14 year old me who used to think that subtitles were A GOOD thing can figure it out, the average youtuber can.
you either have a higher opinion of youtubers than most around here, or you don't have a very high opinion about yourself...

For someone who keeps promoting youtube crap, you sure don't have a lot of faith in it's users.

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by gotegenks » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:15 pm

i didn't say i disagreed, it was just an unusually positive thing to hear around here about youtubers, especially from someone who's against youtube crap around here.

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:23 pm

gote wrote:i didn't say i disagreed, it was just an unusually positive thing to hear around here about youtubers, especially from someone who's against youtube crap around here.
Everyone has potential to grow, even the youtube editor making Naruto videos with Linkin Park. They deserve at least a chance at to prove themselves.

They do however keep sabotaging themselves via self promotion, attempting to post their videos in general amv without even LISTING their video in the catalog, and not even reading the basic rules.

Instead of trying to make the org more like youtube, the goal should be to try to educate those who will listen so they have a better chance an improving their abilities. The easy way out isn't always the best thing in the world. If people would actually look at the tools they've got before complaining that they don't have them, things would go a lot smoother.

Website updates are coming. They take time but I can 110% verify that it's being worked on. I've seen some of the new mockups and they look killer. We will change and grow, but we won't become youtube. We'll become something better.

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by gotegenks » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:32 pm

idk if i ever suggested being more like youtube...and i also don't think self promotion is a form of self sabotage except that people here hate it and so it hinders them from being taken seriously by us and we refuse to help people that annoy us in that way because of OUR tastes, but it doesn't inherently hurt them in anyway, it's us. though i don't think it's unreasonable for us to be that way here (to an extent) it is still us, not them who's doing the sabotage.

i don't think a little youtube integration is the only thing standing in our way from being like booshack like everyone fears so much. The upload process doesn't help anybody these days unless they plan on entering conventions, so i think the easy way out is way better than the unnecessarily hard route.

i didn't mean to whine about the site, and i'm still trying not to, should've never made that comment i guess. but thanks for the update (sincerely).

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by Radical_Yue » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:42 pm

gote wrote:idk if i ever suggested being more like youtube...and i also don't think self promotion is a form of self sabotage except that people here hate it and so it hinders them from being taken seriously by us and we refuse to help people that annoy us in that way because of OUR tastes, but it doesn't inherently hurt them in anyway, it's us. though i don't think it's unreasonable for us to be that way here (to an extent) it is still us, not them who's doing the sabotage.

Self Promotion viewed as a bit of an egotistical way to do things and if all else fails, just post in the damn AMV Announcements.

Also, self promotion isn't only looked down on this website. Whenever say, a celebrity shows up to an event JUST to plug their own movie or won't shut up about it when there are other topics at hand, it's generally looked down on by the general public. There is a time and place for everything. Follow the laws of the land, and everyone will be happy.

No one fears this website will become like youtube. The core userbase and they way things work will always make that impossible. As previously stated, the upload process is old but there is nothing we can do to fix it right this second. So in the meantime, if someone really wants the chance to be viewed as not "a random youtuber" they'll take 5 minutes out of their day and learn how to use it. It took me 11 minutes to slowly walk through the process for my tutorial video:
It's not that difficult.

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by gotegenks » Wed Apr 04, 2012 7:46 pm

okay, i wasn't demanding anything right this second, good tut, has it been made accessible on the main site at all though?

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Re: good Youtube-only AMVs?

Post by EimiJ7 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:25 am

On a more positive note...

I really like this amv and haven't been able to find it on the org: ... plpp_video

I also like this one. It's really sweet, and even though the picture quality could be better, I don't think the editing is bad: ... plpp_video

and this MMV is awesome: ... plpp_video


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