Charlie Questionset III

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Charlie Questionset III

Post by gotegenks » Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:10 pm

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I'm not exactly looking for specific names (though you're free to share those as well) as much as I'm looking for group names or editing demographics, though specific names could be interesting, too.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
Not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just impossible to make real friends in this example for some imaginary reason.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
8a wrote:If yes, describe your first experience doing so.
8ab wrote:If more than once, describe your last experience doing so.
8b wrote:If no, would you like to?
8bb wrote:If yes, what's stopping you?
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
(I would advise that you answer all of number 8 as a single paragraph, if at all.)

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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by Otohiko » Sun Apr 08, 2012 10:55 pm

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
A lot. It's the main reason I'm still editing today. Well, more accurately, the main reason I'm still involved in the editing community.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I'm friends with a lot of AMVers. It'd be safe to say that my CDVV studio-mates are my best friends, but I have several close AMVing friends who aren't (officially) part of the studio.

Otherwise I tend to be nice to everybody. While I'm very loyal to my friends, I am not a clique-ish person by nature and develop close friendships with specific people on individual terms, not with groups of them, nor because they're part of certain groups. I can and would like to be friends with more AMVers, as long as we can personally relate.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
I don't really have a lot of "ex-" things in my life. Most things I've liked and most friends I've had I'm still involved with to some degree. Hobby-wise, I'm not nearly as close to any other groups as I am to AMVers, but I still have a number of people in my other hobbies (like simulation games) that I'm on very good terms with. I did lose contact with a lot of my good childhood friends from back in the day, but that's not because of hobby and interest changes, but rather because my family immigrated and also moved around a lot.
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
No. Absolutely not. Simple as that.
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
See above. I would definitely not continue editing if it weren't for the community. In fact there were two points where I quietly could've faded away from the hobby, but friends pulled me back into it.
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
See above. I would've made several AMVs, then quietly faded from the scene, because it was fairly specific friends that kept me involved with AMVing past 2005 or so.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
Not very. To be honest, editing isn't "very important" to me as it is - that is, I like it as a hobby and as a community, but it's never been the most important (nor even 2nd or 3rd most important) hobby for me. Without the community, it'd be an even lower priority for me.
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
8a wrote:If yes, describe your first experience doing so.
Depends on who and how you count I guess. Probably the first editors I've met would've been at some of the Toronto cons in 2003 or so. They were just regular people, spent a bit of time chatting. They didn't blow me away nor became great friends of mine or anything at the time.

The real "first time" for me was ACen 2009 when I first met a very large group of editors I already was friends with online, many of them for the first time. It was awesome. It was and still is a very special group of people for me, and I knew it within minutes of meeting them. Literally that moment when you suddenly know that yup, these people weren't just some online nerdy thing that'd never work in real life, but in fact were my absolute best friends ever.
8ab wrote:If more than once, describe your last experience doing so.
Yesterday Fall_Child42 showed up at my house and we worked on Anime North AMV programming, shared music and created some outsider installation art. It was pretty awesome.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
a) there are a lot of awesome people in this community, who are awesome not just as editors but as people
b) cons are great. This has nothing to do with the cons (for me, anyway, I hardly care for the events themselves) and everything to do with people
c) unlike many other editors I know, I've never dated anyone whom I originally met via AMVs and the .org community. However it's (almost) surprising how many people I know who have done exactly that. Some of them are even married now.
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
Yes. Like I said, I get along pretty well with most people one on one.
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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by Chained(E)Studio » Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:30 pm

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
The same as a friend who isn't a part of the world of AMVs. A friend is a friend to me.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
The ones I am closest too are Overture (he is my boyfriend, from USA), and GentleHana (she is my best friend, from South Africa)

There is also my lovely studio who I am very grateful to have around me (we all range in many areas around the world from Hungary, Spain, UK, Canada and USA.)

And then there are a select others I love talking to: from such areas as USA, Canada, France, Algeria, Russia, Germany, and Finland.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
I am more friends with those I have met online now then I am with anyone in real life. I used to have a great group of friends in high school, but well we all just stopped contacting each other after graduation. And mostly I haven't found anyone I could be as close with aside from those online.
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
Maybe, just between my sister and I =p
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
Yes, as long as I can wake up and still have those I have previously met on Skype, or Facebook. I never started editing looking for a community. It was by fluke I even found so many communities and got the friends I have. I can lose the communities but I wouldn't want to lose the friendships.
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
Not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just impossible to make real friends in this example for some imaginary reason.
You have more of a emotional relationships which is good and bad. I personally cannot make really any friends who just don't remain acquaintances in real life. I would love to have close friends I could actually do something with but I just haven't found them yet. Those I am closest with online, while I cannot see them give me the support and emotional needs compared to my acquaintances who can't.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
Very little compared to the friends I could have made or had.
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
8b wrote:If no, would you like to?
8bb wrote:If yes, what's stopping you?
Yes I would love to. Mostly distance and travel expenses is all that is stopping me.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
Otohiko wrote: c) unlike many other editors I know, I've never dated anyone whom I originally met via AMVs and the .org community. However it's (almost) surprising how many people I know who have done exactly that. Some of them are even married now.
I met my boyfriend over Youtube through AMVs, and don't find it surprising at all when I find someone else who has done the exact same. ^.^
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
I would, however that said sometimes you just can't click with everyone ='3

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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by Taite » Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:35 pm

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
Actually, friendship is my favorite theme in amvs, but in terms of actual friendship with other people and how it affects my amvs, very little. I could be the biggest loner or have 500 friends and it won't matter. I never let anyone beta test my independent projects, and I've never had a friend who really inspired me to make something.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I have very few editor acquantinces I would consider my friend, as I talk to very few people, haha. :roll: But the few friends I have I all met on youtube, and I have yet to really talk much with others I know from the org.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
A main group editors get involved in is studios, and I've never been in one due to my major dislike of them. I've had the opportunity to join quite a few, but my editing "beliefs" don't really mesh well with studios, so I've not joined any of them, yet.
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
I became an editor before being part of a community, so yeah. After editing and practicing for a bit, I made a blog, and then I joined the youtube scene.
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
Mm, not as much, considering I like an audience and the communities I'm part of are that audience haha. But communities make it more enjoyable sometimes I guess, yeah. So no.
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
That's pretty much my status right now. I'm not on friend levels with the people in this "community," honestly, but that's mainly my own fault hahaha. I tend to be someone who just drops off their amv and leaves. :? I'm totally fine with it though, since I have my audience and we're all on friendly terms (as far as I know).
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
Editing's not really important to me anyhow, but I'd still continue to do it even without any communities, though I think I'd bore of it without anyone to share it with me.
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
8a wrote:If yes, describe your first experience doing so.
8ab wrote:If more than once, describe your last experience doing so.
8b wrote:If no, would you like to?
8bb wrote:If yes, what's stopping you?
Nope, and not really looking forward to it really. To me, it'd just be awkward haha. I've had the opportunity to meet quite a few, but breaking that barrier between "online" friend and "real life" friend would be hard for me to do, since I don't tend to get close to editors like that.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
I think I come off quite unapproachable here, hahaha. But if you ever talk to me, you know I'm quite the opposite and I really enjoy having conversations with others. So I always encourage people to send me their betas for testing or just add me on skype if they want a chat, whatever. I'll forever be incredibly independent, but when others seek out my company, I'll never reject that, and I always enjoy it (:
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
Yes, we can be friendless together <3
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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by pacotacoshell » Mon Apr 09, 2012 12:02 am

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
Friendship isn't really necessary for me to make AMVs. However, as are all hobbies, it's much more fun to have people that you can talk to while being in the AMV community.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I'm not exactly looking for specific names (though you're free to share those as well) as much as I'm looking for group names or editing demographics, though specific names could be interesting, too.
The main people that I talk to on a daily basis would probably be my current studio, Digital Memory Studios, and all the cool kids in the technical editing skype group chat.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
Just the above groups pretty much. I'm really new in the AMV community, so I haven't branched out to a ton of different groups.
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
No, because without the community, where would all the inspiring videos that made me start editing be? ):
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
Yeah, pretty much. I just love editing in general, so it wouldn't really bother me much. The friends are just an added bonus to this awesome hobby :D
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
Not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just impossible to make real friends in this example for some imaginary reason.
Again, it doesn't really matter to me.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
I think it would still be on the same level of importance. It might be a little harder that I won't be able to share it though.
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
8a wrote:If yes, describe your first experience doing so.
8ab wrote:If more than once, describe your last experience doing so.
8b wrote:If no, would you like to?
8bb wrote:If yes, what's stopping you?
Nope. I always want to meet editors, but sadly I live in the middle of the ocean.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
The org is awesome and I am a friendly guy, so don't be afraid to ask me anything.
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
Yes :3

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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by Rendakor » Mon Apr 09, 2012 1:21 am

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
Having friends in the community makes editing a lot easier and more worthwhile, for me at least. Learning things just by reading guides is nice, but it's much easier to have cool people to talk to and just ask "Hey bro how do I do this thing?" Even simply having someone to enjoy and discuss other people's videos with is pretty great; I would never have even considered becoming an editor if I hadn't watched a ton of AMVs with my friends over the years.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I don't have a ton of friends within the community yet, but I've become friends with a few from here and talk to 'em on Skype and Twitter.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
World of Warcraft forums, /b/, /x/, 3.5e D&D CharOp boards, gamefaqs pokemon community.
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
Not a very good one (oh wait-). In all seriousness, I would probably have made one AMV and just given up. Without some form of feedback and ability to improve, this hobby is a lot of effort.
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
Definitely not.
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
Maybe. Even being able to hear "this video sucks" is better than just like, posting a video and being totally ignored.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
Shit, I'd start the (new/only) AMV community and become it's overlord! MUAHAHAHAHHA!

-_-;;; Ahem. I'd at least finish the videos I have ideas for, because when I have a creative idea it will bother me until I complete it. Unless there were zombies, in which case all bets are off.
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
No, but maybe I will this year at Otakon!
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
I've wanted to make a MLP:FIM reference but haven't had the opportunity despite this long series of questions about friendship. Alas and alack.
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
Sure, feel free to harass me on twitter or skype (my username is the same!)
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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by Nya-chan Production » Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:29 am

1) The same as in the world of not-AMVs :>

2) Everybody. And the best friends? I don't categorize like that, it's mean, I think ^^

3) Hmmm, Negima forums come to mind, some other groups and communities. And also high school, ofc~

4) Yes, I am a solo editor, so I would edit nevertheless~

5) Probably not :> I wouldn't have that many MEPs on my profile at least~

6) I think it'd be relatively the same, but less fun ^^;;

7) I'd force them ALL BACK TO BEING!

WHO DO YOU THINK I AM? *TTGL pose including Kamina glasses*

8) Yes, I have. Many Czech ones, since I am pretty much linking the Czech community together. And some foreign, mirkosp, Shui, JCD, Cenit, Snowcrash, koopiskeva... as for a and b - lots of fun were had every time we met someone~ <3


10) Yes, of course! *hugs*

Btw, Rendakor - too late, I already follow your Twitter :> Nice to see someone that "new" and active~ ^^

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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by Kairih » Mon Apr 09, 2012 6:49 am

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
It means a lot, as every friendship I've made.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I'm not exactly looking for specific names (though you're free to share those as well) as much as I'm looking for group names or editing demographics, though specific names could be interesting, too.
My best friend is Choporin, but you probably don't know her 'cause she doesn't have an org account. Then I have some Skype convos or other things. I have other friends but they don't often make AMVs anymore (and they don't have an org account)
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
Yeah, I've lost some friends along the way and a love relationship. But I really don't wanna talk about it...
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
Community are useful, but why not?
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
No, I don't think so. Community helps a lot for this.
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
Not that there's anything wrong with you, it's just impossible to make real friends in this example for some imaginary reason.
Mmmhhh... I think it's hard for me to make friends here because of the language. But I'm new here, so I can't be sure about it. But the language is surely a obstacle.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
It would be important as always. I love when people watch and comment my videos, but this passion is important for me. Communities are important, but I can't stop editing.
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
8a wrote:If yes, describe your first experience doing so.
8ab wrote:If more than once, describe your last experience doing so.
I've met two friends of mine: xKrystall and Choporin (they don't have an org account). My last experience with Choporin has been really good, we met in the Lucca Comics & Games 2011 and we had a lot of fun. She's so nice and cute. It was a good experience for me.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
No. :3
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
Sure! I'm always open for new friendships (but I'm shy, so don't expect me to be friendly as everybody are xD)

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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by macchinainterna » Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:19 am

Question 1 wrote:What does friendship mean to you as it applies to the world of AMVs?
It means a lot. If it weren't for the friends I made inside and outside of the AMV community I wouldn't be editing now.
Question 2 wrote:Who are your friends? If you're friendly with everybody, who are your best friends?
I seem to get along fine with just about anyone in the community. My closest friends are definitely the CDVV and DZ-Studios crew. Beyond that I'm good friends with a few other editors both on and off the Org.
Question 3 wrote:We all change groups of friends throughout our lives, somewhat anyway. What other groups in the past have you been involved with?
The MMV World community before their forums went under. I was most active with them in 2009, even more than with DZ-Studios.
Question 4 wrote:Do you think you would ever have come to be an editor without a community?
I was already interested in becoming an editor before I became a part of any editing community. However, the how-to guides the Org community had set up definitely gave me a good push in the right direction for getting started.
Question 5 wrote:Do you think you would like editing as much without a community?
I struggled with editing from the beginning, and I still do now from time to time. I was at one point ready to call it quits because of a long-running creative block. It was because of the encouragement I recieved from my friends that I managed to break through my block and continued editing. Without them I definitely would have stopped a long time ago.
Question 6 wrote:What about with a community, but for some reason it was impossible to make friends?
See above.
Question 7 wrote:How important would editing be to you if every online community and all traces of one (save for your own memory) ceased to exist when you woke up tomorrow morning?
See above the first 'See above.'
Question 8 wrote:Have you ever met an editor in real life?
I met some editors when I attended Nan Desu Kan 2010. It was brief, but fun nonetheless. I hope to meet them and others again sometime in the future.
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add?
Question 10 wrote:The person posting below you has no friends, whatsoever. Will you be his/her friend?
Sure, why the hell not? Like I said before, I can get along fine with just about anyone.

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Re: Charlie Questionset III

Post by CodeZTM » Mon Apr 09, 2012 10:50 am

1. Friends are friends to me. I have my IRL and .org friends. It's not that different, actually. The only difference being that I actually have things in common with people on this site. XD

2. I think I have some people that I'm pretty close to around here. Re-Evo members and the old members of Invictus were ones that I talk to frequently. Naturally the people in my MEPs are also people I work/talk with a lot. Oh, and Nya-Chan/gote who help me with OrgEditor and Lip Flapper respectively.

3. I was once a chat op and VERY active member of TheSpeedGamers, which was a pretty popular video game charity group. Some things really changed around there which made me not as interested in being active there. I also was a massive member of and loved that site to death. I was sad when it got shut down. :(

4. I kind of DID, but I certainly would have NEVER kept as active in it without the community.

5. Unlikely. YouTube would probably become my new home, but it'd become a more passive thing.

6. Eh... I probably would stay for the free video advertisement, but wouldn't be too terribly active.

7. I'd take all the time communities took from my time and develop a real life EDI from Mass Effect. :book:

8. Not yet! Although I do look forward to meeting some of you at future events! :)

9. I have a Skype. Don't be afraid to add me! :) I'm not on except for late at night (American CST), but I'm always happy to talk with people.

10. Sure thing! Just don't be creepy. :uhoh:


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