*flails around thread* ZOMG, I'M ANSWERING FUN QUESTIONS~!
Question 1 wrote:Who's your favorite editor(s)?
Oh, well, you know OwO.. The usual suspects: Shin (derp), Ileia, Yue, Chiikaboom, Nostromo, Cross/fade, sinycaterina, AimoAio, JazzVids~~.. Plus lots more~.. My eyes get all sparkly when I watch their videos :DD
Question 2 wrote:What can you tell me about your favorite editor as an editor and/or a person?
Oh, well-.. *looks up at enormous list*... er~.. They're all really friendly people

And they edit with their hearts, with incredible sync, and usually with really original concepts. Things that make me laugh, or things that touch my heart. When I watch their videos, I feel like I come away learning something every time :3
Question 3 wrote:Who was your biggest mentor, or who was the closest thing to a mentor you had?
Ahh, just kidding ^_^.. I'm sure you all know him as resident Mr. Editor of the Year (aka. The Loli King) xP
Question 4 wrote:What editors are or were the biggest influences to your work?
Question 4a wrote:How exactly did they influence you? What qualities present in your work can you trace back to those editors?
Jazzy: first real AMVs I ever saw ^_^.. Gave me a feeling of the art
Ileia and Cross/fade: Concepts = amaaaaaaazing~
Shin: transitions and scene selection.... and lip sync~
AimoAio: DA MOOD, YO~
Each time I watch these guys, I try to ask myself, "Now, why are my eyes burning out of my head from the sheer awesome?" .... Then I attempt to answer it and use what I find to fuel my own editing :3
Question 5 wrote:What outside of the online vidding community has influenced your work?
Question 5a wrote:How has it influenced your work?
HAYAO MIYAZAKI.. Simply because I love him and his heart-warming films

(random pizza slice of approval)
Also--music!.. When I hear a song I like, I start to make up music videos in my head. So then I want to do it for real~.. on a computer.. and do fun stuffz with clips :3
Question 6 wrote:Who are some influential people in AMVs and what are they responsible for?
Nostromo and Chiikaboom = King and Queen of founding the art of AMV editing (as far as I know xDD)
Question 7 wrote:Are there any somewhat unrecognized editors you wish to promote for any reason?
Question 7a wrote:Umm...seriously? Why that person(s)?
*super flowery huggle to the Org* I hope this isn't hippish/communist of me, but I hope everyone gets the recognition they want and deserve~.. All I seem to know are fairly popular editors (cuz I'm some sort of celebrity-troller who sneaks into 5-star Skype chat zones OwO)
Also, Meatwad's Ego. It has yet to edit a full AMV on its own, but from what I understand, it's the leading genius behind all of Meatwad's current projects~.. Cheers to the Ego, in hopes we see a full AMV from it soon! *raises martini glass*

(but we get a beer emote, because there is no martini one OwQ)
Question 8 wrote:Any of you old seasoned editors wanna give some advice on anything?
>.>....... <.<..... Well.. I'm not very old or seasoned, but here's my advice to all of you:
Never have the following conversation:
Boy: .... nice lunchbox.
Girl: *looks down at pink lunch bag* Oh, thanks! My mom packs it~ OwO
Boy: ... *smirk* ... *walks away* ...
Girl: ^^?..... O_O..... T____________T
Girl's friends: *patting back*.. It's okay. He probably thought you were joking..
Question 9 wrote:Is there anything else related to this subject you'd like to add or any questions you think should be asked as well?
Lunch boxes are eco-friendly, handy in a rush, and it's cheaper than buying from the overpriced, germ-ridden college cafe!.. So don't knock the box, yo~
Question 10 wrote:How can the noob below you improve on his editing? NO CHANGING ANSWERS!
..................... *slides Staples Easy button across the table* ........